Bama Bloggers Abroad

Reflecting on my time in France

Reflecting on my time in France

As I reflect on my time in France, my heart aches out of gratitude, joy, and reminiscence. Those two short weeks held some of the happiest and eye-opening experiences of my life where I learned more...

Norway: A Day in Flåm

Norway: A Day in Flåm

Tuesday, July 11th, Flåm, Norway. I slept in that day then went on a hike with Nato (Professor Nathan Parker), Kyle, Donovan, Foster, and Chris. The Hike was over 18,000 steps. Most of it was on a...

Can I Go Back?

Can I Go Back?

The past three weeks have been so much more than I could ask for and I am so grateful that I got to do this program. As my first time out of the country, I went into it not knowing at all what to...

High Table in Oxford

High Table in Oxford

Suits and dresses on, tables set, and toasts to give, welcome to High Table at Worcester College. This was the second and last High Table event for students on the Oxford Study Abroad trip led by UA...

Life back in Tuscaloosa

Life back in Tuscaloosa

Hi again everyone! I've been back home for a bit now and wanted to give an update about life back in Tuscaloosa! There are a lot of things that I missed about the U.S. that weren't common for me in...

Going home…

Going home…

Hi again everyone! I'm honestly sad to say that I am writing this as I am on the plane to return home. It's gonna be a long 9 hours so I figured it was time for some reflections. I was terrified to...

Saying Goodbye to the City of Light

Saying Goodbye to the City of Light

The bits of Paris I'm taking with me While strolling today through the Jardin des Serres d'Auteuil, touring the Pantheon, and breakfasting on my final pastry and espresso in Paris, all I could think...

Adapting to More Cultures

Adapting to More Cultures

My study abroad experience in Italy was drawing to a close and it was time for me to depart to my second study abroad trip. I would be flying across the continent to Amsterdam in the Netherlands,...

Adjusting to Italy

Adjusting to Italy

The days leading up to my departure, I regretted everything. I was so excited when the concept of studying abroad was just an idea, but when it started to become real, I was filled with terror. I...

Taking my Knowledge Back to UA

Taking my Knowledge Back to UA

Hi! In case you haven't read my previous blog, I participated in the European Innovation Academy in Porto, Portugal this summer. This program is one of the many hands-on study abroad experiences...

My First Week in Portugal

My First Week in Portugal

Bom Día! I am writing to you from the gorgeous city of Porto, Portugal. Check out the picture — I'm not lying about this city's beauty. I've officially been living here for a week, so I wanted to...

2 Days in Bangkok

2 Days in Bangkok

The last leg of our Southeast Asian adventure was Thailand. I visit Thai Basil Sushi II in Tuscaloosa at least once a week for the Massaman curry, so to say I was excited would be a gross...

UA in Colombia: Home Sweet Home

UA in Colombia: Home Sweet Home

It's been two weeks since the end of my UA in Colombia trip, and although I'm glad to be home, I can't help but miss the amazing experiences that I had in Barranquilla. While I can't hop back on a...

Go Abroad!

Go Abroad!

My study abroad trip went to London, and only half of the fun was the tours we did in the city. The actual classes my peers and I participated in each week were just as interesting. I originally...

My Time in Westminster Abbey

My Time in Westminster Abbey

One of my favorite things that I did while in London for my study abroad class was going to Westminster Abbey. I actually thought that the Palace of Westminster was Westminster Abbey, but I was...

First Time Abroad to London

First Time Abroad to London

I committed to a Forensic Psychology program in London for the summer of 2023. I had never left the US for school, or any personal trips. I was definitely feeling nervous before I left. I had no...

The City of Dreaming Spires

The City of Dreaming Spires

With only a few days remaining in my study abroad experience, I wanted to dedicate a post to the City of Dreaming Spires itself! Here are some of my favorite parts of Oxford: The Food I was...

The Week After Returning from London

The Week After Returning from London

After returning to the U.S. from London, the post-London depression certainly kicked in. I slept most of the day after returning, and it took me a few days to get back into my sleep schedule, as I...

The Trip Home from London

The Trip Home from London

The trip home from London was by far the most chaotic and stressful journey I have experienced. We left our housing early, allowing ourselves an hour and a half to arrive at the airport, and three...

Adventures in London

Adventures in London

Before going abroad, I did not have much planned for what I would do in London. I basically wanted to see the tourist sites, go to the countryside, and see as many West End shows as possible (the...

My Reflection on Studying Abroad

My Reflection on Studying Abroad

Studying abroad has been such an eye-opening experience. Traveling and going to foreign places has been so fun, but also so confusing. The phenomenon of culture shock is real. Seeing all the things...

Climbing Kronborg Castle

Climbing Kronborg Castle

Hello from the top of Kronborg Castle! Ever since I was little, I loved the castles and forts that were constructed during the medieval part of our human history. The moats, the bridges, the towers,...

Traveling to New Places & Returning Home

Traveling to New Places & Returning Home

For my third and final blog post I wanna talk about all the fun places I traveled to on the weekends and everything I learned while studying abroad. The first weekend trip I went on was to Venice...

Things I Used and Didn’t Use in New Zealand

Things I Used and Didn’t Use in New Zealand

Hello from the South Island of New Zealand! So far, the weather here has been even colder than the North Island (where we spent our first week), so I thought I would go over some of the most used...

Day in the life of a Study Abroad Student

Day in the life of a Study Abroad Student

For my second blog post I’m discussing what it’s like to live and study in Florence and travel to other popular destinations in Italy. At first, it was a little bit of a culture shock, but there are...

Exploring Italy: What To Do In Rome

Exploring Italy: What To Do In Rome

Hello! I would first like to introduce myself. My name is Jacob Blincoe, and I am a rising Junior from Louisville Kentucky. For my blogs, I would like to highlight the high points of all the...

Exploring Italy: What To Do In Venice

Exploring Italy: What To Do In Venice

Hello! I would first like to introduce myself. My name is Jacob Blincoe, and I am a rising Junior from Louisville Kentucky. For my blogs, I would like to highlight the high points of all the...

Exploring Italy: What To Do In Florence

Exploring Italy: What To Do In Florence

Hello! I would first like to introduce myself. My name is Jacob Blincoe, and I am a rising Junior from Louisville Kentucky. For my blogs, I would like to highlight the high points of all the...

My Last Week in Venice, Italy

My Last Week in Venice, Italy

After two long but exciting weeks exploring the Trentino region of northern Italy, we made our trek back to Venice, where we would be spending the final week of our Italian engineering trip. Upon...

After Greece

After Greece

Greece was amazing, and after being home for a bit, I really miss it. I think the trip helped me grow as a person and helped me see who I am and who I can be. I know, it sounds so far fetched, but...

Attempting to Climb Pacaya

Attempting to Climb Pacaya

The whole group at the peak of our hike, with Pacaya in the background. During the entire trip, my anxiety was building for our hike on Pacaya, an active volcano thirty minutes away from Antigua. I...

A Quick Trip to Guatemala City

A Quick Trip to Guatemala City

A view of Guatemala City at night from the balcony of AC Hotel Our professor and tour guide in front of an ancient, replicated textile at Universidad Francisco Marroquin. Had to take a picture in...

One Night on Lake Atitlán

One Night on Lake Atitlán

View of Lake Atitlán from at boardwalk in Panajachel. Our first overnight excursion was to Lake Atitlán, which is located in the highlands of the Sierra Madre Mountain range in southwest Guatemala....

Daily Life in Antigua, Guatemala

Daily Life in Antigua, Guatemala

Sunsets at Casa Herrera One of the main reasons I chose to study abroad in Antigua, Guatemala is the course content offered within my program. I am on a faculty led trip taught by Dr. Chris Hale, an...