Bama Bloggers Abroad

The Effects of Culture Shock while being abroad

When you first arrive at your new home, you're totally amazed at how beautiful and how unique the country feels. After two weeks of feeling like you are on vacation, you start to really see the...

Finally feeling at home

I am now seven weeks in to my ten-week Study Abroad experience here in Meknes, Morocco. I feel like I am at home. In the pre-departure orientation, they told us that there are four stages of culture...

Getting Ready for Germany!

I am so excited to begin my study abroad experience in a few days. I will arrive in Germany on May 7 and study abroad there for 3 weeks. I am very excited to study abroad because this will be my...

Day One in Denmark

Day One in Denmark

As this is my first time travelling abroad, just the preparing and packing for this trip was pretty overwhelming. I spent hours researching Copenhagen, places to go, even the route I’d need to take...

This is a Lot More School than I Expected

This is a Lot More School than I Expected

About half-way through my four-week program, I realized that I definitely had the wrong idea in my head about studying abroad. I knew that I was taking a pretty intense engineering lab class and...

Finishing up in Rome, Italy

My Final week in Rome had to be most chaotic yet. While wanting to fit in as much as I possibly could, I was also faced with finals. I got to go to the Sistine chapel, the catacombs, and walk once...

Adjusting from Poland to the US

Adjusting from Poland to the US

I've now been back in the United States for just over two weeks. It's definitely felt like a lot longer. The culture change has been an adjustment. In Poland, it's custom to say 'do widzenia'...

45 days In.

45 days In.

Today marks 45 days since I’ve arrived in Rome, Italy so without further ado let's get right into the process of getting here and getting settled into my new home. Traveling to Rome with my mom and...

The Magic of Paris

The Magic of Paris

There I was standing in a crowd of hundreds of anxious people waiting for the clock to strike 11:00 p.m. Those same voices began to countdown from three to one. After the last voice echoed the...

Motorcycles in Thailand

Motorcycles in Thailand

In addition to cars, trucks, vans, and buses like we are used to here in the United States, motorcycles are very common on the road in Thailand. Motorcycles I have seen in Thailand include scooters,...

A Day in Stratford-upon-Avon

A Day in Stratford-upon-Avon

It’s hard to believe I have been studying abroad for over two weeks! While I love Oxford, having the opportunity to take day trips outside of the city to places like London has been incredible. This...

Adjusting Back to Home

Adjusting Back to Home

My trip was filled with so many new things, and coming home was definitely an adjustment. First, I caught myself saying "gracias" or "perdón" or "sí" when I was talking in English. Clearly the...

Mid-Trip Reflection: Cultural Context

Mid-Trip Reflection: Cultural Context

The cultural context within Amsterdam could not be more different than my hometown of Moulton, Alabama. The main difference between the two is the rural nature of my home. Being in a city setting...

Homebound from Barcelona

Homebound from Barcelona

Hey everyone!! This is Caitlin and I am wrapping up my study abroad here in Barcelona. The last six weeks here have been amazing and for our last morning here, my friend Sophie and I went to the...

Hola from Guatemala :)

Hola from Guatemala 🙂

Hey there, fellow travelers and curious minds! I'm thrilled to share my exciting study abroad experience in the enchanting city of Antigua, Guatemala. As a doctoral student at the University of...

Irish Goodbye

Irish Goodbye

Ireland, I'm coming back for you The realization of coming back to the United States was a lot harder than expected and while it is said to be common for there to be more of a culture shock when...

Looking Back on Mannheim and Time in Germany!

Looking Back on Mannheim and Time in Germany!

After spending 5 months abroad in Germany, I am finally done with my travels and settled back home. My time abroad felt so short, and I already miss it and all the people I got to know. It honestly...

Two countries down, one to go!

Two countries down, one to go!

The European Innovation Academy starts in two days and I could not be more excited. This has already been an amazing summer and I have gotten to do a lot of cool things and meet a lot of great...

final thoughts of being abroad

final thoughts of being abroad

Processed with VSCO with av8 preset okay! so my final thoughts where do i begin. my last blog post was honestly coming out of such a place of hurt that i couldn’t fully enjoy where i was and the...

My Love Letter to London

My Love Letter to London

London, you stole my heart. I went into this study abroad trip anxious about flying internationally by myself, being in a city I am not used to, and all the while trying to do well academically (as...

An after-class breather

An after-class breather

The hustle and bustle of London is place one can lose themselves. I definitely found myself entranced with the sounds and sights of the city. A big and fast paced city is one to lose your thoughts...

Summer in London 2023

Summer in London 2023

Weekly Museum Visits This summer I had the opportunity to study for three weeks in London. I traveled with nine other students through an API program where we took classes at Richmond American...

From One City to the Next

From One City to the Next

The amazing thing about Europe is the endless routes and possibilities of travel. As someone who had only been out of the country once before, I wanted to take full advantage of Europe’s trains, and...

My Time in Florence

My Time in Florence

Despite our many weekend trips and different experiences, Florence continues to be my favorite place in Europe. From the food, to the culture, to the people, Florence never disappoints. In Florence...

Preparing for a Summer in London

Preparing for a Summer in London

The weeks leading up to going abroad, I could not WAIT! I was counting down the days until I could finally be in London, a place I have always dreamed of visiting. I was of course slightly nervous,...

Leaving Tours and Coming Home

Leaving Tours and Coming Home

My host family in Tours (two people are missing here—it was a large family) I've now been home for roughly two weeks or so, and I've decided that now is a good time to write my last post for Bama...

Being Okay with Being Touristy

Being Okay with Being Touristy

Being in London, there is so much history to learn about and places to see. At first, my friends and I felt a little ashamed to act like every other tourist: taking pictures of anything and...

Back to the States

Back to the States

Before leaving for Greece, I tried my best to lower my expectations. I knew the country would be beautiful, the course would be immersive, and that the trip was carefully planned, but I still had my...

Stray Dogs of Thailand

Stray Dogs of Thailand

Stray dogs are ubiquitous throughout Thailand. It should be noted that in Thailand, most cats and dogs are not neutered or spayed. As such, feral and wild cats and dogs are far, far more commonplace...

Madrid- First Impressions

Madrid- First Impressions

Hola! I’ve been living in Madrid for almost three weeks now, and it’s taken a bit to get adjusted to a different way of living. After a week of 3-hour long siestas (just adjusting), I’ve started to...

An Unforgettable Trip

An Unforgettable Trip

My journey with UA Abroad to the beautiful country of Colombia was nothing short of amazing. The coastal city of Barranquilla was rich with culture and many interesting places to explore. Our...

Seville, Spain

Seville, Spain

Now that my time has Spain comes to a close, I wanted to reflect on my semester abroad in Sevilla.  I feel incredibly lucky to have been able to call this place home over the last several...

Pre-Departure Blog Post

As I get closer and closer to my departure, I find myself more and more nervous. Generously, I would say I got about 4 hours. Non-consecutively, of course. I tend to be an anxious person anyway, but...

While Abroad in Barcelona

While Abroad in Barcelona

Hey everyone! It's Caitlin back with an update after one month in Spain! Here are some highlights from my time abroad I hope you find helpful:First Impressions: welcome to city life! - constant...

Loving France!

Loving France!

My First impression when I arrived in Paris, France, was that it was the biggest city I think I have ever seen. Coming from southern Alabama, this was pretty intimidating at first, but these...

First Time Abroad

First Time Abroad

Tomorrow I embark on my study abroad in the UK! It is my first time ever flying out of the country (and my first time flying on an airline that is not spirit airlines... and my first time flying for...

Headed to Amsterdam!!

Headed to Amsterdam!!

I’m writing this post as I am traveling to the airport to leave for my Education Abroad experience. I have been feeling so many different emotions throughout the process of preparing for this trip...

Trip to Cartagena!!!

Trip to Cartagena!!!

Voy a hablar sobre mi viaje a Cartagena! That means I am about to talk about our trip to Cartagena, Colombia. Cartagena was our second trip as a group, and it took about 2 hours from Baranquilla,...

One Year Ago…

One Year Ago…

I can pinpoint the first time I heard about UA in Oxford: English, History, and Honors.  Surrounded by red carpet and fellow high school seniors, I was listening to a presentation by...

Returning home

Returning home

I've been home for a week and it is not what I was expecting. It feels weird to be home and I definitely miss Australia and the friends I made while abroad. The reverse culture shock was expected,...

Cambodia Favorites!

Cambodia Favorites!

The next stop in our trip after Vietnam was to the beautiful country of Cambodia. In my last post, I discussed some of the things I loved most about Vietnam, and I will do the same here for...

How to Cross the Street in Hanoi

How to Cross the Street in Hanoi

As an experienced traveler, and more specifically, an experienced traveler who has been to Southeast Asia before, I stepped off the plane in Hanoi, Vietnam feeling confident that I was going to have...