Bama Bloggers Abroad
Pre-Departure Nerves for Going to New Zealand
A Wonderful Experience
Since coming to Stellenbosch, I have had a variety of amazing experiences. During our first week, we had an accelerated course examining the political history of South Africa with one of...
Lessons Learned Studying in Rome
Friends became family, fancy lattes became simple cappuccinos, water became wine, transportation became planes, and bucket list dreams became reality. Transportation actually became my feet, bikes,...
Differences from Home to Rome!
Jumping headfirst into a new life abroad may come with some surprises. While students get settled and immerse themselves in their new home, they might realize some shifts in daily life! Something...
Must download – Apps for Italy!
I used Whatsapp for all communication purposes. Then for social media continued with Instagram and Snapchat. Apple Maps, I used for all walking directions, and all public transportation. It is great...
I’ve encountered countless unique creatures while snorkeling in Belize!
A beautiful smooth trunkfish! Since my last post, we've since arrived at the Blue Marlin Resort on South Water Caye. The caye is located farther north than the caye we were at previously (Lime...
A Day of Many Firsts
Yesterday I took my first two flights, which was pretty scary but I managed. The take-off and landing were definitely the scariest, because I could feel the change in pressure, almost like a safe...
Getting Ready For Barranquilla
I am a day away from my flight to Colombia, and getting ready for my study abroad this past several weeks has been my biggest priority. After school finished, I took some time to rest and recover...
The Long-Awaited New Zealand Adventure : Pre-Departure Feelings & Emotions
After years of waiting, the time finally came and I was about to embark on my long-awaited study abroad adventure in New Zealand. Prior to departing for the UA Honors in New Zealand: One Really...
3rd Day In…
We have officially completed 3 days in Barcelona. I am lucky enough to have 3 good roommates who respect and value each other. We each have different plans for our time here and we all come from...
News Flash!
Hallo from Stellenbosch! I am enjoying my time here so far, and have been to some wonderful places. The BAMA study abroad story was so impactful that it made its way to the local news, which gave us...
Counting Down to Athens, Greece
Skyline of Athens with Monastiraki square and Acropolis hill during sunset. Athens, Greece In less than a month I'll be arriving at the capital of Greece. And for the three weeks after that I'll be...
It’s been a wild ride in Belize so far…
As of today, I have spent an entire week in Belize. This experience has been one of my life's most challenging yet also most incredible times, and I'm so excited for the rest of the trip. When I...
First Week in South Africa
The first week of studying abroad in Stellenbosch, South Africa is coming to a close. I have been here since Sunday, and we started class on Wednesday. When I first got here things were not what I...
The Great Feeling of Arrival
Today is the first day of my wonderful trip to India! I started my first day by getting a great night of rest and hopefully sleeping off my jet lag. I then woke up and had an exquisite breakfast,...
Barcelona Adventure: Pre-Departure
I have just finished packing the majority of my items. I leave tomorrow and I want to make sure I have everything I will need for my trip. Asides from clothes, some of my items include: Grocery bags...
Before I begin
By Hayden Liller
Constant preparation to study abroad
I am currently writing to you from Athens, Greece, going on 25 hours with no sleep! This is the first stop of many on my study abroad trip. I will be taking an International Financial Reporting...
Advice for in the Airport
Two Months Down
Friends turn to family, Ireland feels like home With half the semester down, Ireland has felt more like home and a place we are dreading leaving in two short months. With traveling abroad,...
Sleep Deprived, Super Tired, Super Excited
Today has easily been the longest day of my life—quite literally. I am currently going on 24 hours of being awake, after a 10 hours plane ride with zero sleep. I have been in Athens, Greece, for...
Preparing for an Epic Adventure: A New Zealand Travel Guide
Kia Ora! New Zealand is known for its beautiful views, rich heritage and is home to the adventure capital of the world. Whether New Zealand is on your list or you're simply checking your options, I...
Leaving for Madrid in One Month!
I will be leaving for Madrid, Spain in one month! I can't even believe it is coming so soon. I have always wanted to study abroad. I am majoring in Spanish, so when I heard about the faculty led...
Getting Ready For an Adventure!
As I write this, I'm on a plane heading to Cape Town, South Africa. I've been looking forward to this study abroad trip for a long time. It will be my first time abroad without family. After a...
Preparing for Athens and Paris
I will be departing from the US in two days to begin my professor-led abroad program, and I am both excited and nervous. I have never traveled to Europe, so I cannot wait to immerse myself in the...
Leaving in less than 48 hours!
I leave in less than 48 hours, and it is all starting to hit me now! The excitement, nervousness, and anticipation are all kicking in. That is why, for my first blog post I decided to discuss why...
Researching, Packing and Preparing!
Since this is my first blog post I'll go ahead and introduce myself. My name is Brianna Holder and I'm a STEM Path to the MBA student finishing up my final graduate school classes. I'm going to be a...
Finding Me
As my final days here in France comes to a end I am having overwhelming feelings of nostalgia and sadness. Recapping and reminiscing on the first day that I arrived I can see that my view of myself...
I am going to Europe for the first time and I am so excited!
Catching a Plane to Vietnam
UA in Asia: Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Thailand I just got off of the plane from Nashville to Dallas, and I am about to fly into Tokyo where I have another connecting...
Adjusting to making new friends
When I first arrived in Seoul I felt like I would hate it since I am not one to be super social. The language barrier I knew I would come to face was slowly creeping into my mind, making me think...
Belize, I Fell in Love | Study Abroad in Belize
Being back home has been a conflicting experience. On one hand I was feeling slightly homesick throughout my trip, while on the other I began dreading the idea of leaving such a surreal experience....
Barcelona with AIFS
So, you know you want to study abroad but you are having trouble choosing a program - let's be honest it can be a bit overwhelming! This was definitely one of the most grueling parts of the study...
Post Abroad Reflection; An Experience Like No Other
I can't help but feel nostalgic as I sit here in my apartment, surrounded by familiar sights and sounds, thinking back on the previous semester I spent studying abroad in Barcelona. I'm incredibly...
Preparing to Return Home
As I get closer and closer to the end of my semester abroad in Barcelona, I can’t help but feel a mix of emotions. I’ve had an incredible experience – I’ve made friends from all over the world and...
Spring Break Abroad; Is it Worth Missing that Cancun Trip?
As I was gearing up to start my semester abroad in Barcelona, Spain, I was a little bummed that I was going to miss another amazing spring break with my friends at Bama. I was so used to the...
Life in the Rainforest
My last journey of my semester abroad was to travel to Monteverde, Costa Rica to study sustainable agriculture. Living in a cloud forest was one of the most spectacular experiences of my life--...
Expectations and a New Home in Mannheim
Prior to my study abroad program I had never been outside of the United States and had a lot of expectations for life while in Germany. My father is German, so I have been learning the language for...
Prepping for Belize!
It's a little over a week until I leave for Belize, and I am counting down the days! I've already acquired a pair of flippers and booties from a family friend, but I have still yet to pack any of...
2 Weeks from Departure
One Month Left
Dobry den! I have been living and studying abroad in Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic, for almost exactly three months, and it has quickly become my favorite city in Europe. I have lived in...
My flight leaves in 15 days and I’m nervous I’m forgetting something
I can't believe my trip starts so soon! I've been planning this trip for so long and it's finally here. Over the past few months, I have been slowly buying things that I will need for my trip to...
Being Immersed in the Study Abroad Experience!
Study abroad has been A DREAM so far! The amount of things you get to learn from your various experiences is like nothing else in the world. Study abroad has taught me things school never could....
8 Things to Think About Before Going Abroad!
This is my first time studying abroad and I could not be more ecstatic to leave in just a little over two weeks! In addition to the two weeks aboard with my faculty led program, I will be tagging on...
UCD Blog Post 3
Now that I’ve come to a small break in my travels, I figured it was a good time to write my third blog post. This past month, I have had the opportunity to visit Barcelona, Paris, Amsterdam, and...
Life and Research in Leiden
Settling into life here in Leiden, the Netherlands, has been straightforward and enjoyable. My orientation week was a fantastic introduction to the city, school, and my fellow international...
Why I think Florence is the BEST European City to Study abroad in
Hi there! My name is Raegan Hall, and I spent my senior fall semester in Florence, Italy. Where to begin? I fell head over heels in love. From the rich history, the masterpieces hidden on nearly...
Seeing the World
One thing I looked forward to doing the most when studying abroad was going away on weekend trips to different countries! Since I have been abroad, I have had the opportunity to travel to various...
A Day in Panama Study Aboard
Let's recap this amazing day. On Monday we had a really busy day. We woke up at 7am and had to leave the dorm at 8am. We started our day by visiting Copa Airline. Copa Airline is Panama's main...
Reflecting on the UA in Panama Experience
Business Visit Day 1 with Pandora. Pictured: Salome Montague and Shelby Keith. Photo Credit: Kayla Roberson It's been just over a week since we returned to the University of Alabama after our study...