Bama Bloggers Abroad

Panama – Tuscaloosa: Long Travel Days

Panama – Tuscaloosa: Long Travel Days

The return trip from Panama felt even longer than the trip there! We left our Panama dorms at 4 AM. Our flight back to the Atlanta airport left at 8 AM and landed around 1:30 PM. On any...

A Week in Panamá

This week has been the most transformative week of my life. Panama is beautiful. The people are kind and friendly and everyone has been receptive to our group. Ciudad del Saber (our travel company)...

Saying my Goodbye to Panama

Saying my Goodbye to Panama

This trip to Panama was so amazing. I learned so much this week. This trip changed the way I view life as a whole. It humble me and reminded me that I should be thankful for the life that I have. I...

Business days

Business days

The importance of this trip was to gain knowledge and to find interest in the companies that we visited. I strongly believe that each and every student gained some type of information that inspired...

Reflection on Panama

Reflection on Panama

As I reflect on Panama this week I have gained so much from this experience. Not only do I have new friends that will be with me and support me throughout college but I have learned the importance...

Favorite day in Panama

Favorite day in Panama

Arriving at the airport in Atlanta, Saturday, I was so excited to see what this trip would hold. My expectations coming into this consisted of having a good time, learning about Panama’s culture and...

Hidden Gems of Trastevere

My name is Brooke Hornung and I am a junior at the University of Alabama studying abroad in Rome, Italy! While studying abroad in Rome, I was placed to live in the Trastevere neighborhood. It is a...

Days 5-7

Days 5-7

Overall Reflection I will never forget this Study Abroad experience. Through it, I have met an amazing group of people, learned practical information about international business, and realized how...

Days 1-4

Days 1-4

Overall Thoughts So far, my time in Panama has been AMAZING! Panamanians and the country itself are so genuine and true to themselves. This trip has been very busy with all the business visits,...



An overhead view of Panama City, Panama Motivation/Reasoning I chose to study abroad in order to both become a better well-rounded individual and to network and form connections abroad. I first...

Pre-departure/ Flight

Pre-departure/ Flight

Hi, I choose to go studying abroad to experience something new and push myself out of my comfort zone. I’ve never been out of the country before so I realized that this would be a great experience...

UA in Panama

UA in Panama

This trip has given me some of the best opportunities of my life. When I first arrived in Panama it was around 10:00 pm and we went through customs, which was my first experience with people...

Post-Departure Review

Post-Departure Review

Studying abroad has been one of the greatest experiences I have had in my collegiate career and will have. I have seen firsthand that there is a world outside of the University of Alabama. But,...

Pre-departure Excitement

Pre-departure Excitement

I have always wanted to study abroad but I never thought I would have the chance to until I found out there was a Freshman Access Grant Panama Business trip. I will be getting first-hand experience...

Studying in Dublin Ireland

Studying in Dublin Ireland

By: Erika Holzer Living & Learning in Dublin, Ireland Since arriving here in Dublin in January I have been learning something new about my new home for the next few month everyday. We have...

What I expected v.s. Reality

What I expected v.s. Reality

Before going abroad to Prague, I heard that people from the Czech Republic were very private and disliked foreigners. After hearing something like that I knew I could not make that assumption about...



Now that I am back from my lovely get away to Panama, I have had time to reflect on my experiences. Coming back was already challenging enough considering I did not want to return, but once I made...



As Friday came, I knew the end was near. Friday, we planned an all-day excursion to the Gamboa rainforest. We were able to take a cable car up to a lookout with one of the most beautiful sceneries...

After some time here…

After some time here…

Still living the dream! I have been in Dubrovnik for a month and a half and it has exceeded all my expectations. One of my favorite things it being able to explore Eastern Europe. I have visited...

While Abroad

While Abroad

After arriving here in Panama, my first thoughts involved the heat and how beautiful this country looked at night with the lights shining down on the water. I instantly fell in love with this...

Time in Panama

Time in Panama

First day of the program we had a jammed packed schedule of touring Panama City, Panama. We toured to the old city, Panama Veijo, that was burnt down by the people of Panama to protect the...


Hi! My name is Malaysia Church, and I am a business major here at the University of Alabama. I chose to do study abroad because it seemed like the only way to travel the world, network, and learn...

Pre Departure/ Flight

This trip to Panama was a first of many. First time at an airport, on a plane, and first time abroad. The nerves were high, but the excitement outweighed all the other emotions. The whole ride there...

Moving to Maynooth

Moving to Maynooth

Preparation to travel Studying abroad was never something I expected to do during college, especially during my last semester of senior year. With my degree in Human Development Family Studies,...

Heading Out the Country

We are on our way to Panama. This is my first time going out of the country and my first time flying for this amount of time. I am really nervous but excited at the same time. I am so glad that I...

Considering the path of Deviation

Considering the path of Deviation

When overseas, a lot of things can deviate from what you're used to. The most obvious of these is language. While in many Western countries, English is a common second language, you can't...

Mixing with the Locals

Mixing with the Locals

Many times when traveling, we tend to think about what we've already packed and planned to see when we get there, but we don't always consider what the experience of meeting the locals will be like,...

Semester at Sea!!

Semester at Sea!!

I have been studying abroad on a ship for the past three months and it has changed my life in every possible way. From meeting my best friends from around the globe to educating myself on a cultural...

The Best Day Trip for Regency Fans

The Best Day Trip for Regency Fans

As a student on the UA in Oxford faculty-led program, I had so many opportunities to explore other regions of England besides Oxford thanks to the flexible schedule of the program. When planning for...

Getting Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable

Getting Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable

At the end of my trip to Ireland, I didn’t want to leave. All of these new things were beginning to feel normal. Instead of being nervous for activities I began to feel exhilarated. Being out of my...

Adventures in Ireland

Adventures in Ireland

Upon arrival to Dublin, Ireland, I was underwhelmed. It just seemed like any other city. It wasn’t until I started to explore the city and the landmarks that I realized how unique it truly was....

Preparing for my first time abroad

Preparing for my first time abroad

With my duffel bag packed I hopped on the plane with a daunting 8 hour flight ahead of me. I was heading to Ireland for 16 days of study abroad adventure! Although I was nervous, I was very excited....

Adjustment Periods

Adjustment Periods

I expected coming back home to be easier than it was. I was not abroad for a whole semester, only 6 weeks, so it seemed it would be easy. But, getting back into my routine proved difficult. I was...

Looking back at abroad

Looking back at abroad

Now that I have left Europe and have been hope for a month, I have been able to look back at my experience and appreciate what has happened this summer. If you have the opportunity to go abroad for...

Upon Return

Upon Return

I had mixed feeling about coming back home. I have been home for a little over a month at this point. When I first arrived at the airport, and saw my parents waiting to pick me up, I was so excited...

Arriving in Lisbon

Arriving in Lisbon

In July and part of August, I studied abroad in Lisbon, Portugal for an international business course. I’m currently a Finance major with a minor in international business, and one of the...

Lisbon: First Impressions

Lisbon: First Impressions

My first impressions with Lisbon were that it was much smaller than expected, and that it was a super relaxed city. I knew going-into my program that Lisbon was not as major of a city compared to...

Blog 3: Belize

Blog 3: Belize

Upon return to the US, the past 3 weeks flew by in the snap of a finger. I was very sad to have to say goodbye to all the Locals that I became close with. Reflecting back on the experience it was...

Blog 2: Belize

Blog 2: Belize

Arriving in Belize at the airport I was immediately hit with humidity that sucked the energy straight out of me. The 25 other students and I then hopped on a charter bus to go to the first island...