Bama Bloggers Abroad

Arriving in Porto, Portugal

Arriving in Porto, Portugal

I’m studying abroad in Porto, Portugal for credit in the International Business course for my MBA. The faculty-led program is called the European Innovation Academy, and is a three week startup...

Adjusting to a New Culture

Adjusting to a New Culture

My name is Madeline Bunch, and I'm currently studying abroad in Germany. I noticed some differences throughout the 4 weeks I've been here. The one that was one of the toughest for me to adjust to...

Post-Trip reflections

Post-Trip reflections

I’m home from France now, and back to work at my summer job. Everyday, I come across something new that I miss about living in France that I hadn’t thought of before. Of course I miss the people I...

July 17: Potpourri

July 17: Potpourri

Readers, I'm still here. And why wouldn't I be? My COVID was relatively mild, all things considered. I'm over a week out of isolation and little the worse for it. (I still cough a bit. But that’s...

Documenting Your Travels

Documenting Your Travels

Learning outside of the traditional classroom also comes with the challenge of professors designing a course different from the typical format of lectures, homework, and exams. While this is not to...

Big Al’s Adventure to El Escorial

Big Al’s Adventure to El Escorial

Big Al started this Saturday morning with a 45-minute bus ride through the curvy hills of Spain on his way to El Escorial. Accordingly, he has his mask to abide by the mask rule on all public...

Study Abroad Mid-Trip

Study Abroad Mid-Trip

Prior to arriving in Copenhagen, I arrived in Amsterdam for a layover. Here, I had 30 minutes to get across 4 terminals to catch my Copenhagen flight. After racing through the airport and having a...

Just Landed: A Month in Portugal

Just Landed: A Month in Portugal

Since I was a freshman in college, I have heard about a trip to the European Innovation Academy in Portugal with the STEM Path to the MBA.  It was advertised as an opportunity like no...

Pre-Departure Thoughts and Reflections

Pre-Departure Thoughts and Reflections

As my UA in Belgium trip quickly approaches, I can’t help but fall in love with the preparation process. I love Europe and the French language, and this trip has given me a good excuse to...

Pre-Depature: UA in Belize

Pre-Depature: UA in Belize

Choosing a study abroad program was a difficult decision, I wanted to experience something new while fulfilling my interests that I have not been able to pursue while at college. When I came across...

A Treasure Hunt in Bristol

A Treasure Hunt in Bristol

One of my classes, EN422, focuses on the Real Pirates of the Caribbean. In our class, one of our projects is to travel to Bristol, finding six key locations from back in the day. This place really...

Who Wouldn’t LOVE This Belizean Life??

Who Wouldn’t LOVE This Belizean Life??

I feel that I have to start by saying that this is inevitably going to be one of the best experiences of my life. I'm over halfway through my trip now and It's been everything I imagined and so much...

First time abroad? Here are some tips!

First time abroad? Here are some tips!

This summer, I went on two faculty-led study abroad trips: UA in Guatemala: Development and Human Rights and UA in Spain: Language and Culture. Before studying abroad, I had very limited travel...

Let’s All Go to the…High Table?

Let’s All Go to the…High Table?

As if Worcester College doesn't feel enough like Hogwarts, we have about two fancy dinners during this shebang. If I had been a good little kid and read my HP, I would've known what those nice...

Adventures While in Spain

Adventures While in Spain

Royal Alcázar of Seville Catedral de Sevilla Being halfway through my program I have definitely made the most of my time here so far. My first week I went on a catamaran with a couple other girls in...

Florence Food Withdrawals

Florence Food Withdrawals

It has been about a week since I returned from studying abroad and I am already missing Florence so much! I was worried about adjusting back to normal life when I returned home but it hasn’t been...

Going Abroad: What to do Before?

Going Abroad: What to do Before?

All your worries go away when you have a sunset like this. It’s been a few weeks since I returned from my trip abroad in Croatia. In that time, I have done a lot of reflecting on my trip. Since...

Weekend Trips in Italy

Weekend Trips in Italy

One thing I love about Italy is how easy it is to travel within the country. You can easily buy tickets for a train and travel wherever you want to go! Figuring out the train system was a little...

UA in Colombia: Un Dia en Medellin

UA in Colombia: Un Dia en Medellin

There were many fantastic experiences throughout our trip to Colombia. Near the end of the six weeks, we visited the city of Medellin. While there were plenty of fun excursions throughout the study...

The Countdown Is On… Just One Day Left…

The Countdown Is On… Just One Day Left…

My view from my window seat on the plane to London. If you would have told me a year ago that today, I would be sitting in the airport waiting to board my first international flight to Heathrow...

Arriving at Oxford!

Arriving at Oxford!

Arriving in England was unlike anything I have ever experienced in my life. As someone who had never before ventured out of the United States, going to another country has been incredibly...

UA in Spain: Home Away From Home

UA in Spain: Home Away From Home

Looking out the window over Spain as the plane was landing was so surreal. I had dreamt about this moment for 3 years. The first thing I noticed was that there were a lot more trees and open spaces...

Reflecting on My Time Abroad

Reflecting on My Time Abroad

So, I returned home from Europe about two weeks ago and I waited to write my final blog post so I could I have time to digest the many new experiences I was able to have while studying abroad. I can...

Awaiting Experience

Awaiting Experience

Trevi Fountain - Benson Knowles My whole life, I have always been interested in traveling to different places and learning about their culture and history. I chose to study abroad because I wanted...

Can you have fun while taking classes abroad?

Can you have fun while taking classes abroad?

The answer is yes! Studying abroad is a really thrilling experience and it can get very overwhelming at certain times. I am currently doing two sessions of UA in Spain. Each session consist of two...

UA in Belgium: Pre-Departure

UA in Belgium: Pre-Departure

I am on my way to Belgium for the 2022 UA in Belgium: Political Science trip! This is the first summer of faculty led programs since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, so travel looks a little...

Must see places

Must see places

One of my favorite parts about studying abroad is being able to travel to other places easily. I have traveled almost every weekend since studying in Barcelona. Since I also do an internship here, I...

Preparing for a Month in Europe

Preparing for a Month in Europe

I have been anticipating my study abroad trip for quite a while now and the day has finally come for me to pack and prepare to fly overseas. Not only is this going to be my first time abroad, but...

First Week in Florence

First Week in Florence

Hello! I am Kendall Moore, a rising Junior majoring in Advertising and minoring in Communication Studies and Digital Consumer Engagement. I have wanted to study abroad for basically all of my life...



After spending a week in Paris, it became clear to me that the city is absolutely full of hidden gems. While the typical tourist activities of going to see the Eiffel Tower sparkle at night and...

UA Greece: Fun

UA Greece: Fun

UA Greece group met a great group of people view our hotel in Delphi Delphi Theater at Epidaurus Palamidi Castle Mycenae UA Greece UA Greece Temple of Poseidon Pefkori Beach Thessolaniki Boat Ride...

How the French preserve their culture

How the French preserve their culture

Besides the stereotypical differences between Europe and The U.S. that you expect to see when you go to France, such as different architecture styles and smaller cars, there is one major difference...

Pre-departure Italy!

Pre-departure Italy!

I am so excited to be spending a month abroad in Italy on a faculty-led study abroad! I always dreamed of going abroad and this program fit perfectly. I will be earning 9 upper-level credit hours...

UA In the Caribbean; My Final Week

UA In the Caribbean; My Final Week

Finally we are saying goodbye to the friendly island that we have been enjoying and learning on for almost a month. Crazy how the time flies by, this week has been an amazing one while reminiscing...

More of UA In The Caribbean

More of UA In The Caribbean

I'm a couple weeks in on my trip and this is the time where you're finally starting to get adjusted, where you're getting past the initial excitement and should be settling in, and I have felt that...

UA Greece: Academics

UA Greece: Academics

Tomb of King Philip II Tomb of King Philip II ancient pottery ancient swords ancient helmets Tholos Tomb Temple of Poseidon Pottery depicting a burial scene Boar tusk helmet The Acropolis Olympia...