Bama Bloggers Abroad
The Beginning of Something New: Florence Edition
Here’s to the beginning of something new and I think the hardest part of this process was picking which program I wanted and which country I wanted to study in. The rest of the hard decisions were...
UA Greece-Overview
A Collection of Thoughts from an Odd Place
The Start of the Adventure to Spain
Hola everyone! My name is Molly and I am going to Malaga, Spain. Preparing to go abroad and coming to Spain I knew nothing. I had many different thoughts about coming to Spain, what am I doing, am I...
First Time Across the Pond
Saturday night I took an 8 hour flight to London and left the United States for the first time in my life. I boarded a bus to Oxford University and have spent the last three days exploring the...
My first week in Rome with a weekend trip to Venice!
Venice from the bell tower in St Mark's square! Hey! I am Sarah, a rising Junior studying finance, real estate, and international business. I am currently in Rome, Italy for Summer 2, and have had...
The Beginning of an Adventure: Germany
At this point in the trip, our time in Germany was coming to an end. However, I was not looking forward to what was to come. We had planned a 16 hour coach trip from Berlin to Florence, breaking...
Pre-departure Nerves
I could not be more excited for my flight today. It is hard to imagine that at this time tomorrow, I will be in Italy. I have always wanted to travel, so as soon as I was presented the opportunity...
Ciao Italy!
I can’t believe I leave for Italy in less than twelve hours. Just one sleep and two flights and I will be in Europe! Like the procrastinator I am, I spent the entire day packing and making...
July 4: A mental breather
Readers, are viruses alive? It is a subject of debate among biologists. They reproduce themselves, like living organisms, using all the usual biological machinery, including genes encoded in nucleic...
UA in Oxford Blog #1 – Pre-Departure Blog – July 2, 2022
Worcester College, University of Oxford. I'm headed to Worcester College in Oxford, England! The day is finally here! I am headed to Worcester College in Oxford, England with the UA @ Oxford program...
Beneath a Colombian Sky
UA in Oxford: Stress is Normal Even On a Dream Trip
I get it: we all build up our study abroad trips in our heads as perfect, flawless adventures. However, in reality, there will be bumps along the way just like any other day. This was definitely...
My Trip to London
I was so excited to go overseas. I had been to Budapest, Hungary in 2018 for a missions trip during which we held an English camp for Hungarian students. This trip was going to be completely...
Must-See in Madrid
Lake at El Retiro Park Hi, I’m Elizabeth. I am a political science major and Spanish minor at UA, and I just came back from the UA in Spain: Language and Culture program in Madrid. I wanted to...
UA Study Abroad in Greece-Pre-Departure and First D
Eating in Busan, South Korea
Being the second biggest city in South Korea, Busan can be quite the duanting place to explore, with so many food places to choose from I will share some of my favorites for you to try during your...
The End of a Great Trip
I just finished my study abroad yesterday and flew from Barranquilla to Cusco to continue traveling on my own. I am now reflecting about my experience in Colombia. I am so fortunate to have had the...
UA in Greece: The Best Experience of My Life
Three Thousand Years’ Worth of Art
Growing up near Saint Augustine, Florida, I am no stranger to historical monuments. But North American old and European old are two completely different things. To put it in perspective, Castillo de...
How much will studying abroad help my Spanish, really?
There’s a maxim in language learning that claims that no one has ever learned a language in a classroom. This, of course, goes against the hours and hours Bama students spend in BB Comer studying...
Looking back from the Finish Line
I write this post at midnight of my last night in the wonderful city of Barranquilla. The past six weeks have been full of experiences, people, and sights that can really only be described in one...
Returning from Europe!
Getting Back to Normal
Ljubljana, Slovenia - The last picture I took in Europe 🙁 As I got my suitcase from baggage claim when I arrived home, there was only one thing on my mind: sleep. My journey had begun at 4 AM in...
13 Interesting Facts About Colombia
1.Uber is illegal but very cheap Due to the unionization of taxi drivers in Colombia, Uber is illegal. However, they are still very common! The app functions the same, but the cars do not have any...
Pre-Departure Post
I have always viewed education abroad as an integral component of my college experience, believing that it would allow me to accrue a deep cultural understanding of a unique area of the world. As a...
Take advantage of every opportunity to learn
When I decided to study abroad in France, I was extremely excited about the opportunity to learn the French language from the professors at my French institution. However, after completing two weeks...
UA in Ireland – My Favorite Food
When in Cambodia
UA in Ireland – Retrospective
Pre-Departure: I better Belize it!
I first decided, about a year ago, that I was going to commit to making studying abroad a reality. I've been interested in going abroad for much longer but didn't feel that It was possible...
Copenhagen, Denmark Blog 1- Before departure & Arriving
My time in Greece
I’m two-thirds of the way through my faculty-led trip and I can’t believe it because I feel like I just got here! My favorite part about Greece has been the beautiful scenic views views. I’ve seen...
June 24: Time for excursions
In Costa Rica, there are many ways to get wet. Hay varias maneras de mojarse. I don’t think I’ve spent a single day here totally dry; the main moistening agent has been my own sweat. Some...
UA In The Caribbean: The Beginning
Hi! I'm Maddison and I'm a rising sophomore at the university of Alabama majoring in public relations and minoring in Spanish. The first week has come to a close on the friendly island of St...
Lots to Do: Two Weeks Before I Fly
Preparing to travel abroad involves a lot of work in advance, but it’s important to gather all that together in the last two weeks as you prepare to fly. Two weeks before my faculty-led study abroad...
The Return from Paradise
While sitting in the Belize airport, it didn’t hit me that we were leaving until all of my friends got on their planes and I was one of the last to leave. I was really sad to leave Belize and to end...
UA in Ireland – My Favorite Place
Why London School of Economics (LSE)?
Hi! My name is Louise Knight and I am an upcoming senior at UA. Similar to many people my age, I tried to go abroad the past two summers, with both possibilities being cancelled. So, as I was...
Can you Belize it!
I am now a little over halfway through my trip and every fear I had went out the window by my second night! When we arrived at the airport, it was so very warm out and the first thing I noticed was...
Adjusting to Daily Life
I have been in Tours for a couple of weeks. I'm definitely starting to miss the comforts of home, but at the same time, I'm getting more familiar with the area and the culture by the day. In my host...
Pain of going home
UA in Greece: A bit of a culture shock
All the world’s a Stage and I merely a traveler
UA In Belize Post Trip
Abroad, Pre-Program
So many cats!! This one is from Mykonos 🙂 It was my freshman year when I decided to commit to a summer study abroad program in Italy. It had always been my dream to study abroad and I eventually...
Germany or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Being Abroad
My plane was delayed by about an hour on my 9 hour flight to Berlin. I was a bit anxious as it would be the longest plane ride I've taken. It would also be the first time I traveled alone other than...
The Mental Block
Hello, My name is Madeline Bunch, and I'm currently about to leave for Berlin. I've been learning German since 7th grade and am finally putting my knowledge to the test. I'm an upcoming sophomore...
UA In Belize During The Trip
Why Are The French Are Healthier Than Us?
During my first week in France, my friend said to me, "isn't it weird how the French out-drink and out-smoke us but still live longer than us?" There are a few reasons for this that are obvious...