Bama Bloggers Abroad
Leaving Italy with a Full Stomach and Happy Heart
I’ve returned from Italy with a full stomach and a happy heart. Italy was full of new experiences, friends, and food. I was so sad to leave such a beautiful place, but I’m really happy to be back in...
A Tour of Tours
I've been in France for a few weeks now, and it has been everything I've always dreamed of! I first arrived in Paris, where we stayed for a week and did some sightseeing. I was so excited to see all...
The City of New Beginnings: Shanghai
For the longest time, I always struggled with being true to myself yet I was always subconsciously running away from and ignoring it, scared that maybe what I found when I looked hard enough into...
Around and Back Again
Well, I've come full circle. I have traveled to China and returned home all in one piece. I honestly missed the United States. Breakfast food, potato chips in certain flavors, driving, trees, and...
A Thank You to my Italian Family
Before this trip, I had only had the opportunity to travel abroad once. I was in high school and the trip only spanned the length of ten days, so I spent every night in one hotel or another. So when...
Perché Italia?
When I decided to declare a minor in Italian, the first question many people asked was "Why?" And why one decides to do something is rarely followed by a simple answer. However; just this once, the...
Practical Tips to Begin my Study Abroad in France
I am writing this update from the airport, where I am currently sitting as I wait to board a plane that will take me to Paris, France. From there I will travel via bullet train (the TGV) to the town...
Am I Homesick or Just Hot?
I missed very few things as much as I missed this cat. If I could have taken him with me, I would have never left the UK. I've been back in the states for almost a week now, and every day I find...
Advice for Future Students
The main piece of advice I would give students is to take full advantage of your study abroad experience. Take a step outside of your comfort zone and do things you would not normally do. Experience...
My Academic Experience in Portugal
Studying abroad has been an amazing experience so far. It is a very different experience taking classes here in Portugal. The biggest difference is the type of class I am enrolled in here. I am...
My Excursions in Portugal
I have been taking classes in Portugal this summer. I am located in Cascais a beach town about 30 minutes outside of Lisbon. I have had a great time exploring these cities after I get out of class...
A Love Letter to Scotland
In Scotland, it feels like you can reach out and grab the old gods. The second I got off the plane in Inverness's tiny airport, I knew I could live in the Highlands for the rest of my life. The...
Visiting Jane Austen
"if adventures will not befall a young lady in her own village, she must seek them abroad" Jane Austen, Northanger Abbey Out of all the trips I've done while in England, the Jane Austen House...
In Oxford ~ While Abroad
Arriving in a different country is stressful.It took me about 4 days to adjust. I thought people were bluffing when they said that they have to recuperate from jet lag, but my first flight...
Experiences in France
For our first week in France we had the opportunity to spend the week in Paris and pass the time as tourists. Of course, the main purpose of the trip is education, so our professor spoke with us...
Learning new things
A study abroad program that’s only three weeks long seems very short. It doesn’t seem like you would get a lot out of it. However, my experience in Belize learning about reef systems and...
Going without expectations
Study abroad is a great opportunity to learn something different. Studying abroad has been a big part of my university experience. I have gone twice already, both times to China. My focus has always...
Class on the Beach
I have always loved learning, but being in school can somethings make that hard. I’m a senior and reflecting on all those years in school, classwork, homework, assigned readings can all seem like...
Life After China
When the day came to fly back home, I was really sad that the trip was already coming to an end. Where did the time go? The flight returning home always seems to go by so quickly. Because the trip...
Trip to Europe final thoughts
After taking some time after my trip to reflect on and digest all of my experiences I have come to the conclusion that I am extremely glad I took part in the study abroad trip to Croatia. I made...
The small differences in Europe
As my study abroad trip to Croatia is coming to a close, I wanted to dedicate one post to the things that are foreign or annoying about my time so far. My final post will be an overarching...
Prepping for Scotland
Ever since high school I’ve known I wanted to venture abroad. Not only to see and explore other countries but also to experience different cultures, dialects and ways of life. Last year I began...
Vegetables and Dessert in Shanghai
Wow. That’s one word I can use to sum up my time so far in Shanghai. I’ll give you the vegetables first: You’re going to read that the air quality in Shanghai, and most major cities in China, sucks....
Here We Go: Shanghai
Hi! I’m traveling to Shanghai, China in a couple of weeks. I’ll be there for 8 weeks. When I thought about studying abroad, I never imagined that I would be going to China, let alone Asia. When I...
“It’s Time for Africa!”
Alexa, play Africa by Toto. After preparing for this trip since August, three days of traveling and three passport stamps later... we finally made it to Livingstone, Zambia, Africa! Before arriving...
Ciao! When I landed in Venice, Italy I was more excited than nervous. I knew it would be difficult with the language barrier but I learned generic phrases and knew I would eventually...
Ciao Italia!
I have been in Italy for a whole month now! My plane departs from Leonardo da Vinci airport in Rome at 11:30 AM tomorrow and there are a million and one thoughts rushing through my head. I have had...
Love Letter to Valencia
I never expected to love this city so much. From the perfect weather, to the beautiful language, to the vibrant atmosphere, everything in Valencia has gone above and beyond my expectations. ...
UA in Oxford: A Journey Filled with History
Imperial War Museum, London With my time in Oxford coming to an end soon, I remember the places I went and the people I met. Walking around the historic colleges and reading at the Bodleian...
A Weekend in Scotland!
At the beginning of my third week in Oxford, I decided to join my friends on a weekend trip to Edinburgh at the end of the week. Although I was coming with my friends, actually about half of the UA...
Things I’ve Learned My First Week in Britain
"Cheers" Cheers is a word you hear a lot in Britain. I’ve heard it used in place of “thank you,” “you’re welcome,” and just a general phrase, but only in certain contexts. I’m not quite sure what...
Scotland So Far
When I first arrived in Edinburgh, Scotland, I was overwhelmed and experienced major jet lag. I was excited to be in Scotland but also nervous at the same time. The first interesting thing I noticed...
London Baby!
My time in London has been an irreplaceable experience so far. At first, I was terrified. I had never been to another country. What if I couldn’t figure out transportation? Or the currency?...
UA in Spain
This summer, I took part in a UA in Spain Language and Culture program that allowed me to study Spanish and learn about the culture of Madrid for a month. It was a wonderful experience that allowed...
When in Spain
I didn't know what to expect when I arrived in Spain for my language and culture program. I was filled with nervousness and excitement alike, though the latter was the emotion that reigned supreme...
Choosing Spain
I knew as soon as I began my sophomore year at UA that I wanted to spend the summer abroad. My freshman year, I studied abroad for the first time and spent a month exploring Asia. We went to China...
First thoughts at home…
Currently, I am sitting at the Atlanta airport thinking about my time abroad. I have never been more excited to be at an airport. I am so ancy to be back in Indiana. It is crazy to me that I am...
My Summer in France Refection
Looking back at my trip, I am so glad I put such hard work in order to go because it was all worth it. I was fortunate enough to have a great group of students with me which truly made the...
My UA Study Abroad in France Experience
I had a lot of preconceived notions about France from hearing other peoples’ experiences. For the most part I was wrong about my initial expectations and stereotypes about the country and its...
C&IS in France
I’ve known I wanted to study abroad years before I even knew what college I would attend. As I started to come into my own at Alabama, I learned about C&IS in France, a program that combined...
How I prepared for Chemical Engineering in Ireland
**DISCLAIMER** all of this information is about June 2019’s experience in Ireland. While it may be the same program, the University College Dublin (UCD) or The University of Alabama may have made...
Living in the Dominican Republic
Here is a glimpse of what I have been up to the past few weeks in the Dominican Republic! I was so fortunate to receive a grant to study here this summer. I am taking intensive Spanish and Dominican...
Welcome to Sydney: First Impressions
I had been abroad before, so I didn’t have any of the usual jittery feelings about being in a foreign country that some students might experience. I was eager and ready to undertake another...
5 Things Nobody Tells You About England
Here's the view from my window Until 8 days ago, I had never left the North American Continent. I was definitely excited to visit England, and thought I had a pretty good grasp on what the...
Returning to the USA
Six weeks have flown by in Colombia, and now I'm back in the USA. The first couple days back, I found myself saying things in English but in grammatical structures of Spanish or even saying certain...
Finally Home (Well Sort Of…)
Processed with VSCO with a6 presetProcessed with VSCO with p5 presetProcessed with VSCO with hb2 presetProcessed with VSCO with c1 preset As my wonderful time in Madrid came to a close I was more...
Reflecting on Study Abroad in Spain
I have been back in the United States a week now, and even though I was homesick in Spain, I'm now homesick for Spain here in Alabama. My experiences, memories, and the things I learned during my...
Studying in Eastern Europe: the Do’s and Don’ts
As my time abroad is coming to an end, I am reflecting back on what I wish I knew before starting my studying abroad. My trip around Eastern Europe was incredible, but there were definitely some...
Why Did I Sign Up For This?
UA in Oxford ~ Pre-Departure There are many “firsts.” I could go on and on about the matter but in this case, the “first” would be travelling internationally. Whenever someone encounters a “first,”...
Arrivederci, Italia
It has now been a month since I have returned home from my four months abroad in Italy. I already look back on the days when I could walk by the Duomo and munch on a cannoli anytime I wanted like...