Bama Bloggers Abroad

Greetings from Costa Rica

I've been in Costa Rica for a whole month now and honestly, it has been amazing. I can't say enough good things about my experience here. I am staying in a very rural area at a research facility run...

Off to Australia

I chose to study abroad in Australia. Why Australia? All my friends asked numerous times… Well…. I just wanted to. I have always had an immense calling to towards the Australian culture, beaches,...

Buongiorno, Torino!

Just about a week to go and then I'll be in the air headed for northern Italy! It all seems so surreal right now that I'm not sure I'll really believe it until we touch down in Turin and I check in...

Going to Ghana

Hello! My name is Kelly Muston. I am a Master of Social Work student. I will be completing an international internship in Ghana in the Spring of 2019. I would like to say that I have some amazing...

On The Shoulders of Giants

On The Shoulders of Giants

“This grave contains all that was Mortal of a Young English Poet Who on his Death Bed, in the Bitterness of his Heart at the Malicious Power of his Enemies Desired these Words to be engraven on his...

Planning – Thoughts After a Week in Florence

Planning – Thoughts After a Week in Florence

I am a planner. My new roommates identified that about me before I had even been on Italian soil for a full 48 hours. In our short time in Florence, I had already made multiple searches on Yelp and...

Dia duit!

My name is Blake, and I'm studying abroad at the University of Limerick in Ireland. For those that are wondering, "dia duit" is Gaelic for "God be with you," which is how people say "hello" in...

Preparing for Prague

Preparing for Prague

My name is Emily and I am a second semester junior at UA. I am a double major in Communicative Disorders and Psychology and I will be studying abroad in Prague, Czech Republic for this upcoming...

Hello Wembley

Hello Wembley

My name is Johnathan Anderson and I'm studying abroad in Leicester, England! (LES-TAH) I've been in town for just about a week now and feel like everything is beginning to feel a bit normal. Classes...


I’ve wanted to study abroad in Japan since I was in middle school, so of course I was very excited when I first got there. I found that month by month my excitement slowly became replaced by comfort...

Hello, England!

I am Anna Catherine and am studying abroad in Leicester (LES-TAH) this Spring 2019 semester. I have met many study abroad students, which has been the biggest blessing. They are all so kind, and I...

The Beginning

Hello, My name is DyQwan L. and I will be writing about my feelings on my pre-departure to France. This is my first time out of country and I am very nervous. I find myself daydreaming of the...

Looking Forward to Costa Rica

In just a few days, I will be departing to Costa Rica to spend two months taking classes there. I’ve traveled some before, but I have never been anywhere like Costa Rica. It will be my first time to...

Getting Ready to Take Off

In a week I will be boarding a plane that will take me to London, England. This is a trip whose mental preparation has lasted about a year and physical preparation about half of that. However,...

The Final Night in Russia

  My last day in Russia was a lot of things. It was stressful, it was fun, it was full of nostalgia, but most of all, it was meaningful. I was responsible all semester and left every last bit...

Looking Forward to London

Where to start.... I dance, I sing, and I act.  Some would call me a triple threat. But I usually just say I’m a student of the University of Alabama double majoring in Dance and Theatre. My main...

On Studying Japanese

On Studying Japanese

"Why Japanese?" is the question most people will pelt you with when you tell them you're learning the language. Some people will go the softer route and ask, "Oh, so what led you to that?" Others...

Reflecting on Thailand

As the semester comes to a close and the temperature continues to drop, I constantly find my mind wandering away from my studies and thinking about better, warmer days. Specifically the days during...

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone

More often than not, in my experience discussing traveling alone, I endure apprehensive warnings of caution and horror stories. There is a stigma around the idea of being alone. Human nature is...

Pre-Departure Journal Entry (Late)

I’m very excited for London.  I’ve never been to London, not even to the UK, although I got close when I visited Dublin.  I think the most exposure I’ve gotten to British lifestyle is through pop...

Abroad from Abroad

Being Hungarian, a trip to Hungary had always naturally been a dream of mine. With my great-grandmother on my mom’s side being born there, I definitely felt a connection to the country, but I had...

Getting Ready for 16 Weeks in London!

My name is Candace, I am 24 years old, and in the Graduate Social Work program. I have always wanted to study abroad but the opportunity never came up. It was not until orientation that I was able...

Africa Awaits

"A ship is always safe at shore, but that's not what it's built for." -Albert Einstein I have officially committed to my Spring 2019 field placement in Ghana, West Africa. You would not even begin...

The Uji Chapters

The Uji Chapters

Of all the unread books on my shelf back home, none is more intimidating than Murasaki Shikibu's The Tale of Genji. The translation I own, the 1926 translation by Arthur Waley, lands at over a 1000...

Sending Love from My Happy Place

Hi, my name is Lauren Phillips and for the past 3 months I’ve been studying abroad at Kansai Gaidai University in Osaka, Japan. These last few months have gone by so quickly, and I’ve been having so...

Study Abroad Part 3

This study abroad trip was definitely one for the books. I made friends that will last a lifetime and not to mention the new culture that I experienced. I was in a culture very different from the...

The HIGHEST HIGHS and the lowest lows

There is no doubt that there are highs and lows when studying abroad. One minute, you can be having an amazing conversation with a Ghanaian, the next, someone may be trying to talk to you and they...

And off she went, to change the world

The day before I left to start this amazing journey, I felt as if my heart would explode with all of these emotions that I couldn’t express. I was excited to experience a different culture, I was...

Zambia Has My Heart

I miss Africa. I miss the people. I miss the culture. I miss the genuine happiness that everyone carried. It has now been 3 months since my trip to Zambia and I miss it more and more with each day...

Packing for success

      Packing up and moving for 5 months is not an easy feat. Especially when you have to add baggage weight limitations and the ability to take everything you have on the go. Then you add...

UA in Oxford: Upon Return

It has been one month since I arrived back home from Oxford! I catch myself missing my sweet little English spots nearly every day. Looking back on my adventures, I can now say with full assurance...

“Welcome back! Welcome home!”

After almost a whole day of flying, I was just hours away from landing in Accra. During different times of the flight I came across others who asked me questions out of curiosity. Where are you...

Eating Abroad

Going abroad, you are introduced to all new foods, and for me, that was what I was most nervous about when going abroad. I typically struggle to stray from cheeseburgers and chicken nuggets, so my...

How to pack for abroad

  If you are anything like me, you understand how difficult it is to try to pack for an entire month in Europe it is a rather difficult task to complete. Aside from trying to decide what to...

Incredible India

Incredible India

So. Many. People. There are the three words that sum up my biggest realization for my trip so far. With a population of around 1.6 billion people, India boasts an enormous amount of citizens. But...



I’m currently a week away from the daunting flight that will take me to India. I keep glancing at my luggage, still debating on whether I’ve packed too much or too little. I guess in my next post...

In Retrospect

In Retrospect

Exposure is a tricky thing. Exposure to the western world and it’s ideas, products, and way of life has always seemed like a beneficial thing in my eyes. Who wouldn’t want what we have? Who wouldn’t...

See ya soon, Africa!

My experience in Zambia was nothing short of AMAZING. We set up clinics that allowed us to help almost 1000 people medically and spiritually. We were able to do health screenings and eye screenings...

Through the Windshield

Through the Windshield

For the past six months, I’ve heard a steady stream of advice regarding this next semester abroad: stay hydrated, wear comfortable shoes, take pictures, carry cash, honestly I could dedicate this...

Returning to the USA

Getting back home was a bit of an adventure. My flight was delayed 2.5 hours, causing me to almost miss my connection back to New York. By some miracle, I made it through customs in Dublin and...

Spanish School

Among all the other wonderful experiences that come with studying abroad, there is also a lot to be learned in the classroom. Not only did I learn so much more about the material covered in the...

Abroad in Prague

Academics: I am studying at Anglo American University. It is a small, private university that is taught all in English and located right near the city center. AAU is absolutely beautiful. The...

Abroad in Belize

Academics: This trip is a little unconventional because it is more of a field-study set up. We are doing research projects that require us to snorkel. My group is observing the behaviors of one...

UA in China: Visiting a Chinese Family

Our professor instructed my group of four students to be in the lobby of the hotel by 11am for a local family visit. With no information about the family, where we were going, or what we would be...