Bama Bloggers Abroad
From Mountains to Sea Level: Back in the U.S.
I've now been back in the U.S. for two weeks, and though I was looking forward to spending time with family, it has been an interesting transition. I returned from Peru with an intestinal parasite...
Highlights Sometimes Cover Up the Struggles
The past two weeks I have hiked 9 different Incan and Pre-Incan ruins, I've spoken Spanish 90% of the time, and I've explored the places and people of Cusco, Peru and the Sacred Valley. All of this...
Living with a Host Family in Cusco, Peru
Initially, when I decided to study abroad one of my biggest concerns was the unknown of a host family. The program said we would get our housing assignments about two weeks before our program date....
Finally back to the States
Having spent 5 weeks in Germany, I felt that I wanted to stay longer, but alas I had to return to prepare for fall classes. The travel back home ended up being somewhat of a nightmare. First, a...
Coming Home!
I think that I may have had the most crazy series of return flights back the United States! My initial program in Europe in May was in Serbia, and so my round-trip flight to Europe was based out of...
Morocco is home
I finished my study abroad program in Meknes, Morocco on July 27th. I ended the ten week program with dozens of new friends, four “A” grades, a working knowledge of French and Arabic (إن شاء الله)...
Motivation for Studying Abroad in Florence Italy
Ciao, My name is Noah Dasinger and for the fall semester of 2018, I will be studying at the Lorenzo de Medici Institute, in Florence Italy. The motivation for deciding to study abroad has to do with...
Shakespeare in Italy: Reverse Culture Shock
Howdy Friends, It's me again. I am back safely in Texas after a nearly flawless airport experience and have never been more excited to see my dog (and family, of course) in my life. The dream of a...
Oh the places you will go!
Going abroad gives you the opportunity to not only call a new, fascinating place home but also the opportunity to easily see a bunch of other amazing places. I was really fortunate to not have...
My Barcelona Mom
When I decided to go abroad, my program offered me three different options for housing: residence, host family, or apartment. A good friend of mine studied abroad the semester before and encouraged...
Segments of Poverty in India
My study abroad class consists of 17 University of Alabama students who are all but one in the STEM-Path to the MBA program. I graduated this past May with a BS for Environmental Science and am now...
Home Sweet Home
When you study abroad, people talk about how hard it is to adjust to your host country. They don't talk about getting back, and it is exhausting. I spent 32 hours in transit from Sydney, Australia,...
Home from Belgium
After a month in Europe, I’m now home again. It’s bittersweet, because as happy as I am to be back home with my family and all the conveniences of America, I’m already missing the amazing experience...
Australian Excursions
Although my study abroad program was based in Canberra, the capital of Australia, I took every chance I could while abroad to travel to various other cities within the country. I had the opportunity...
Coming Home!
I am overwhelmed with emotion and feel extremely blessed for all of my experiences this summer. Getting on the plane leaving England was harder than I thought. Although I have missed my family and...
UA in Oxford
Though my intention was to post frequently throughout my time here in Oxford, time has slipped by in the most enjoyable of ways and my program will be coming to an end next week. I am not sure how...
Reflecting on the Best Four Months of my Life
I have been back from my incredible semester in Prague for a little bit now, and it has taken me a while to process all of my thoughts and feelings about my experiences in Europe. I have formed some...
Shakespeare in Italy: Coming at you Live
Hi Friends, It is me again. Here to talk about a beautiful country called Italy. The "UA Abroad: Following Shakespeare Through Italy" program has been an especially unique experience. As opposed to...
UA in Italy, while in Italia
Nothing is more emotionally riveting than stepping off the plane walking and getting onto a boat to take you to your new home for the next month. Luckily, with my program type, we are going to be in...
UA in India
The most prominent aspect of India is the people. Spending three weeks traveling to four different cities in northern India gave me a broad range of people to experience. They say that every 100...
Home from India
Returning back home after three weeks abroad was like a breath of fresh air. I was ready to be back in my own bed, not rooming with anyone else, to have different food options besides Indian food,...
Readjusting to the U S of A
I write this post almost two months after landing back on American soil. I thought I would be able to write this post anxiously sitting in the airport, waiting my connecting flight, but I soon...
See You Later, Barcelona!
Yesterday, I had to pack up what had been home for six weeks and say my good-byes. Now, I am sitting on a plane heading back to Alabama. It is a little bittersweet as I hated to leave, but I can’t...
Beautiful Bavaria
After 4 weeks in Berlin, our group spent our fifth and final week in Munich and the surrounding area. Munich is about a third of the size of Berlin, and is still incredibly steeped in Bavarian...
In Retrospect
While I enjoyed my experience in India, I'm certainly glad to be back in the United States, where people actually mean it when they set prices and where drivers actually use lanes! When I got home,...
Shakespeare in Italy: Pre-Departure Scaries
Hi Friends, I am a Senior at The University of Alabama finishing up my first trip to Europe. I left my adorable chihuahua at home in Texas and flew to Venice, Italy with 10 other UA Students to...
Post Trip Reflection STEM in India
Now back among the familiar sights and smells of Tuscaloosa, I am excited to apply all that I have learned from my study abroad experience. An incredible trip, the UA STEM-MBA Study Abroad...
Weekend Trips
I am participating in the Summer 2018 UA in Spain program. The program is faculty-led and we are centered in Madrid, Spain, where we take classes during the week at a local university. However, one...
The Final Days
It's almost time for my study abroad journey here in Japan to end, and I must say that I'm rather sad about it. I've made plenty of friends here over the year, and though a lot of them are going to...
Riding out the Heat Wave
It seems like lately there's been one thing after another in Japan. After the earthquake in Osaka that cancelled classes, we ended up with rain that lasted for about a week. It made it pretty...
Sakura, Sakura
Perhaps one of the best times to be in Japan is spring; right around the time the new school semester started, we were able to see the cherry blossoms begin to bloom around Kyoto. Though I...
Outside of Japan and Back again
Moving backwards just a little bit into my time over break. I was lucky to have been able to visit a whole new country rather than returning home! At first I wasn't sure what it was going to be...
The Hidden Wonder in Spain
There are so many sights to see in Spain and it would be impossible to name them all. The Picos de Europa are a wonderful string of mountains that boast incredible views of the nearby fields....
Feeling at Home on the Other Side of the Planet
I intended to make this post over a week ago, so let me start with a piece of advice: when you’re studying abroad, time can get away from you pretty easily. It’s a challenge to stay on top of your...
STEM in India
At this point, our group and I have been in India for close to two weeks. We have spent the past two weeks in Delhi, Jaipur, and Agra, visiting a myriad of cultural and historical sights like the...
Planning a Study Abroad Trip
When planning my study abroad trip to Australia, I knew that I would be on a strict budget. However, I still wanted to make sure that I was able to see as much as possible in the short 6 weeks that...
Reflections on a Journey UA in Ireland Part 4
My journey to Ireland was one of the best experiences of my life. I have made friendships that I believe will last and connections that could guide me on my way to my career. I went on the trip...
The Glory of Galway UA in Ireland Part 3
Following an exciting couple days in Dublin, the group travelled to Galway where we would stay for the next four weeks. Simply looking out the bus window, one could see the complete beauty of the...
Greetings from Belgium
I’m now more than halfway into my stay here in Belgium, and I have to admit, it’s starting to feel like home. Although it initially felt so foreign, our little neighborhood in Brussels is now...
The Final Countdown
We are entering our final week here in Italy and wow what a whirlwind it has been. The European Innovation Academy has exceeded all my expectations and provided me with an unforgettable life...
Abroad in Denmark
I was very excited to get to Denmark after 2 weeks of backpacking. Thankfully, I arrived with two friends who were also in the same program, and met up with a few more that first night. After...
Midnight Madness
I landed in New Delhi, India on July 6, 2018 at 11:40pm. I had traveled for 24 hours from Atlanta, Georgia with stops in Philadelphia and London. After going through customs & immigration and...
Abroad In India
The first thing that stuck out to me as odd when I initially arrived in New Delhi was that traffic in India was much now disorderly than in the United States. Our contacts in India had arranged for...
Adiós, inseguridades
So there we were, high in the beautifully scenic mountains of Spain, huddled in a pack, trying to nominate the unlucky member of our group who would walk up to the nearest Spanish local and ask him...
New Zealand: Leaving the Land of the Long White Cloud
After the most whirlwind month of my life, I’ve finally made it home. It’s honestly somewhat difficult to absorb everything that’s happened, including that I’m back in Alabama. When I got off the...
Hi my name is Marissa, and I chose to study abroad because I discovered this great opportunity through a close friend. It seemed a bit risky at first because of the expense of Study Abroad programs,...
Pax Europaea, in time
There is a popular saying among parents: “If your friend jumps off a bridge, would you jump, too?” My parents found out very early on that I was always the friend that jumped first. In the small,...
2 Weeks Down, 2 To Go
Well... a lot has happened in the last 2 weeks so here it goes: Day 1-2 - We were all quite exhausted when we arrived so we spent the first day in Accra resting and relaxing. The second day was...
As Truman would say, “kaliméra, kalispéra, kalinichta”
I went into my study abroad ready to take everything as a learning moment. I triple checked my flight information, the syllabus, the course schedule, and then checked again. Everything will work...
Impressions of Berlin
My first few steps in Berlin were shaky due to the exhaustion that accompanies trans-atlantic flight. After a good night's sleep, our group went to experience a service at the Berliner Dom. Almost...