Bama Bloggers Abroad
Thoughts from My Family’s Perspective
One of the first things I thought about when I first entertained the notion of studying abroad is what my family would think of my trip. Prior to my trip, I had never even been on an...
Planner’s Block
“Oh my goodness are you so excited???” *on the inside* “Not at all I am completely terrified” *on the outside* “Yes, so excited! It is going to be such an amazing experience.” The days leading up to...
Coming home from Peru!
Now that I am back home, I realized I was taking so much for granted. This trip was amazing and stressful all in the same time. Our original trip was to Nicaragua and we changed the location last...
Not Ready to Leave Madrid
It is the last week of June, which sadly means my time in Madrid is coming to an end. As the date of my return flight gets closer and closer the more I realize I don't want to get on the plane....
Back at home!
I'm suffering from some serious Italy withdrawals. I am so bored now that I am home. I must admit my view here cannot compete with my view from my apartment in Florence. I just miss the smells of...
Big Al in Person
Saying goodbye to the people of Zambia was very sad. The last day of clinic we had to turn away the most people we had all week. It was the hardest thing for us all to say we could not help everyone...
Ciao Italy!
So, I have been back in sweet home Alabama for a few weeks now, and honestly it does not feel so sweet. Living in Italy for a month was such an amazing experience; it was really eye opening to see...
Back Home At Last
After a beautiful month in Italy, I am finally back home in the grand ole USA! And it is good to be back to the comforts of home: air conditioning, having my car, and cheap fast food. I didn’t...
Sweet Home Alabama
It was a long journey home, but I have safely returned to Alabama! After landing and going through dreadful customs at the airport, I was so excited to be able to run into the arms of my mom and...
Farewell to the city of the infamous gelato!
See ya later Florence, Italy! My time in Florence has ended, and I am now back in the States. While over in Florence, I was asked a plentiful number of times “do I miss my country?” or “am I going...
Heigh Ho, Heigh Ho… It’s Off to Greece I Go!
In a few days, I will board a 12-hour flight headed to Athens, Greece. I would have never imagined that I would be able to be a part of such an amazing opportunity. I have always desired to be able...
…So what extraordinary things will you make happen here?
If you ever get the chance to take this trip, TAKE IT!!!!
Embrace It
During a free day in our program, a friend and I decided to take a day trip to a site our teacher had recommended-- crystal clear natural, spring-fed pools nestled in the Spanish mountains. The...
Hello from Athens, Greece!
My first few days in Athens, Greece have been truly amazing. Maybe it is from the pure exhaustion of jet-lag (an eight hour time difference) or maybe it is the excitement of exploring a new country....
Getting Ready!
Travel and exploring the unknown is possibly one of the most exciting things in life. I have always had a passion for traveling and exploring new cultures. So, when I saw the option to study abroad...
Coming Home from Greece
It was hard for me to describe my study abroad experience to anyone who asked when I returned home. I would show them the pictures and tell them about the course I took, but nothing really captures...
Don’t stop.
Annnnnnd, we’re back. In America. The home of the brave and land of the free and what not. And let me tell you, it actually is kind of nice to be back. My first night home I all but guzzled a cup of...
I love London.
Culture shock. Before I left for study abroad and once I arrived at my new temporary home, it seemed to be all people could discuss. I patiently sat through at least five different lectures or...
Adjusting to a different country
My first few days in Madrid were full of sleepy days and sweaty nights. The time difference hit me hard the first few days and all I wanted to do was sleep! Another huge difference was the...
Enjoy the Departure & the Arrival (Back Home)
8 days, 1 hour, 2 minutes, 34 seconds. That’s how much time has elapsed since I arrived back home at Pensacola International Airport on Friday evening, the 29thof June at approximately 4:30pm. It’s...
Back Home, Now What?
I've been back in the states (Tuscaloosa, actually) for about a week now, and honestly, it's a little strange. In Madrid, life was hectic and busy with a new adventure around every corner. Here,...
Days in Dublin! UA in Ireland Part 2
In my last post I chronicled the events and mentalities that led me to arrive at the Dublin Airport the morning of June 15th. The moment the wheels landed, a new world was ready to be seen and...
Preparing for Belgium
While I’ve always dreamed of traveling the world, I’ve never actually been out of the country- until this summer. In just a few days, I’ll be in Brussels, Belgium, participating in a faculty-led...
The Best People in the Best Place
I have always known I wanted to study abroad but where and when were the parts I was never sure of. However, after a friend told me she was also interested in studying abroad and wanting to go to...
My First Week Abroad
I have been in Australia for a week now, so I'm an expert on international travel, the study abroad experience, and mastering the nuances of a new culture. (This is a lie.) I intended to make this...
Preparing For India
I am very fortunate to have the opportunity to study abroad in India with the STEM Path to MBA: Reverse Innovation program this summer. I have known for quite some time that I would like to study...
Reviewing the Ruins: UA Abroad in Greece
I’ve always been interested in learning about the history and culture of other people. That’s why this program really stood out to me. The course was centered around Greek Culture and Civilization...
Preparing for Abroad
Many stressful questions come up when you decide to study abroad. Some are about money, traveling, food, safety, and clothing. I know I had a million. My best mode of discovering the answers to...
Back in the States
I have mixed emotions about being back in the States. When I first landed in Atlanta, it was strange speaking in English. I felt like I was going to get in trouble for not speaking Spanish! I have...
Guide to a Summer in Barcelona
Barcelona is a unique city full of many sights and Catalan charm. I have been studying in Barcelona for 4 exciting and super busy weeks. With so much to see and do in a short summer semester, here...
Week 2
Our group event for Tuesday consisted of a tour of a vineyard in Chianti, about a 40 minute bus ride from Florence. Never have I gotten car sick in my life, but going through half the drive on...
How I Came to Be in Ireland
Up to this point in my life as a second year college student, I had never left the United States and had only been on an airplane once. I am not normally the adventurous type, and therefore, my...
Where To Go When There’s No “Ferg-bucks” in Madrid
During my month-long study abroad program in Madrid, Spain, I have fallen in love with the Spanish capital. I love the trees along the narrow streets. I love the old, classic-European buildings. I...
UA Global Health in Ghana: How’d I get here?
Hi there! My name is Beka and I am a rising sophomore at the Capstone. Around Thanksgiving of this past year, I was scrolling through different websites on my laptop and ended up looking at the...
UA in Greece: Upon Return
I returned home from Greece yesterday. It is going to take me a few days to readjust back to the time change. It took me a few days in Greece to adjust, and I have always heard it is harder coming...
Final Thoughts
Wow! I cannot believe that my time studying abroad has come to an end. It doesn’t feel real, after a month of living somewhere you get used to your new surroundings. I absolutely fell in love with...
UA in Oxford Pre-Departure
I will soon be heading across the pond to study for a month in Oxford, England. I will be studying at Worcester College, which is one of Oxford University's 38 colleges. Since I was a young girl,...
Back Home in the States: Advice for Future Abroad Students
Well, it officially has been a month since I returned home from beautiful Florence, Italy. Many emotions filled me as I got home—depressed, anxious, happy, nervous—I didn’t know how to feel. I was...
Warming up to Madrid
Looking back now, my first day was actually pretty comical. However, it definitely was not funny at the time. I guess I'll start with my flight from Atlanta to Madrid. I was extremely excited and a...
UA in Belize: First Impressions
Upon arrival to the Belize City Airport, I was nervous to go through customs, as this was my first time ever leaving the United States. A group of students on the trip with me gathered and helped me...
Weekend Trips in Spain
While studying abroad does include some actual studying, the thing I have enjoyed and looked forward to the most are the weekend trips! For our program, we have a planned excursion every Saturday as...
You’ve Arrived- Now What?
So you’ve been preparing for months and now you are finally here, your study abroad location! Upon my arrival in Florence, Italy I found that the city could be slightly overwhelming. For one,...
UA in Germany: Part II
Please read Part I: UA in Germany: Part I Guten Tag, everyone. We made it to Germany. One thought has always come to my mind on the now three flights I have ever had the pleasure of patronizing: I...
Madrid, Spain – Bienvenidos a España
I have known since day one of my college career that I wanted to study abroad in Spain. As a Spanish minor, I quickly realized that fully immersing myself into the language and culture of a...
New Zealand: An Incredible Land
This trip has flown by, but at the same time I can completely believe that it has been two weeks. I have had such a wonderful time here, seeing new things and meeting new people, and even learning...
While Abroad- GREEEEECE
I have been in Greece for two weeks and only have one more to go. It has been bittersweet thinking about leaving this beautiful country, but I am excited to go home to tell my family and friends...
Madrid, Spain – First Impressions and Adjustment
I've been in Spain for just over two weeks now, and I could not be more thankful that I chose to come here! I was really nervous when we first arrived, because my flight was quite a few hours late...
Advice to Future Study Abroad Students
My best piece of advice for future study abroad students is to have an open mind. I really like to make plans and stick to them, but things do not always follow through. For example, I was really...
A Tourist in Tours
As suggested, the UA in France: Language and Culture program does involve actual class time. It almost sounds wrong to say I was in summer school because the whole month was so surreal that to call...
Jaw-Dropping Beauty
Following our rapid-tongued tour guide through the quaint cobblestone streets of Toledo, I'll admit: I might have zoned out a bit. It was the end of my first week in Spain, I hadn't heard a word of...