Bama Bloggers Abroad
Le Monde
Getting to tour Le Monde was definitely a highlight of my stay in France. The night before we went, I was definitely feeling the pressure since this industry visit was geared towards my interests. I...
Pre-Departure: Nicaragua Clinical Experience
Every since I came to college, I have always wanted to study abroad. I had a small study abroad experience in high school, and I realized how much you can learn from surrounding yourself in another...
While Abroad – Peruvian Clinical Experience
Traveling to Tarapoto, Peru required two flights: our flight to Lima and another flight from Lima to Tarapoto. Honestly, I have not heard too many things about Peru and what it was like, so...
Firenze, Italy
It’s definitely been a crazy few weeks here in Firenze. At first it was a tough adjustment but I’m learning to get used to the big city life. When we first arrived in the city it was a bit...
Part One: The Great European Gelato Tour
A brief summary: I started out on this three-month, eight-country* journey on May 12, with a ticket to Belgrade, Serbia as part of the Serbia Fellowship Experience. I spent two weeks in Serbia,...
Italy Week 1 Recap Part 1
Honestly, I’m surprised I even got into the country. I have been traveling abroad since I was an infant, coming to America, visiting friends and family back in Malaysia and Hong Kong, traveling to...
Summer Brings Change
I'll include my winter posts soon, so please be looking out for those, but I would like to begin with everything that has happened thus far this month. For the first time in a while, I was able to...
A magical garden – Villa Gamberaia!!
Need to get away from the city? The city of Florence and the country side of Florence are two very different regions. One region you have tons of tourists, it is overpopulated, and then you have the...
Traveling to Spain!
Passport? Check. Phone charger? Check. Alright, after all my time spent researching for my trip abroad, making a packing list, and going to all the study abroad meetings, everything should be...
Why study abroad in India?
Study abroad experiences alway provide a very unique perspective of a country new or old. Based on this, I knew that I wanted to study abroad somewhere where I had already spent some time on my own....
Learning and Eating in Spain…Mostly Eating.
Coming to another country and living there is difficult enough, but especially when you are in a country that speaks another language. English is my first language and it is the only language...
Versailles(ce) Versailles(ce)!
The day trip to Versailles was definitely something that I will never forget. The train ride was relatively short and my roommate and I got met some really nice couple from New Jersey and New York...
Florence, the city of exquisite scenery!
What I fell in love with first! I have to be honest, arriving in Florence, Italy was nerve-racking at first. From my luggage still being in Paris, forgetting to get euros out of the ATM, and not...
Preparing to Study Abroad: Central America and Europe
About Me: My name is Katy Sobodos. I’m an incoming junior from Detroit, Michigan. My major is Management Information Systems and my minor is Geography. I am going on the faculty-led program, UA in...
ciao for now
I am now five days post-travel home and have had plenty of time to reflect on my experience in Italy studying the Reggio approach to learning and teaching. I have also thought a lot about the...
I love Italy.
I can’t believe we only have 8 days left on this trip. It honestly still feels like the first week in way not entirely though because I’m almost a local lol. I’ve made friends with the men at the...
Pre-departure Eurotrip and Study Abroad Planning
I'm writing this after walking out of turn at graduation this May. As an engineering student, I participated in the co-op program for 3 rotating semesters, which contribute to why I'm studying...
Losing My Luggage in Another Country
Most pre-departure articles might be about how to fit two months’ worth of clothes into one suitcase, or how to navigate a big airport by yourself, or even how to make all of your travels...
Home from Europe
So leaving Europe was by far the worst part of my trip. By the time my month there was over I had already become accustomed to the world around me. It almost felt like I was leaving home again and I...
I have been in love with the Spanish language since high school. I wasn't too bad at speaking it either. However, my high school did not have a very good A.P. Spanish program. I knew that if I...
Coming to Spain
Hola! My name is Kari Eisenberg and I am currently studying in Spain through UA. Studying abroad can be something that is both exciting but also nerve wracking, especially for me. Before this trip,...
Lovin Dublin: The Repeal of the 8th Amendment in Ireland
If you are unaware of the current events in Ireland right now (don't worry, you're not alone!), but it would definitely be worth your time to google the 8th amendment. In 1892, the 8th amendment was...
Back Home
After spending more than four months living and studying in Scotland, I returned home to Birmingham three days ago. In these first few days, my adjustment back to life in the U.S. has been harder...
Host Sister, Soul Sister
This experience has been an incredible exploration of myself, cross-cultural communication, history, and global connection. I did not come into the trip with many expectations about what was to...
Home Sweet Serbia
After 24 hours of traveling and a week of recovery from intense jet lag, I'm back home from my two week adventure to Serbia. As I spend time with curious friends and family, I find myself...
Leaving for Greece!
The study abroad program I chose is a faculty led program through the country of Greece. It is about a month long program. I have always dreamed of studying abroad in college because it was always...
Education Abroad Office and Blog Intro
The Education Abroad office at The University of Alabama offers over 800 study abroad programs and sends more than 1,000 students abroad each year! Located in 135 B.B. Comer Hall, visit us today to...
Back in the States!
Today has been a long day of travel. We left Hotel San Marco at 3:30 am to depart for the Bologna airport. Our flight schedule today was Bologna to Rome to Chicago to Birmingham. We will have been...
4 days & 1,570 people
I am halfway through my medical trip in Zambia and all I can say is WOW! This beautiful country is full of beautiful and smiling people. We arrived and met some of the translators we would be...
Finally got to see the Eiffel Tower in person!
The Eiffel Tower was even more overwhelming than I thought it would be. Many people I knew that had been to Paris before had told me that it was under whelming and small, but boy, they were wrong. I...
My Experience in a Faculty-Led Program
While my study abroad program allowed for a lot of free time and exploration of the two countries we travelled to over the course of 3 weeks, we of course had to fit in classes somewhere. I chose to...
Leaving for Zambia
After completing my junior year I decided it was time to study abroad. I felt as if I could accomplish anything considering I made it through a second semester of Nursing. The decision to study...
American Again
I can hardly believe that I am already back in Alabama after an entire semester in Ireland. People always told me that the semester would fly by, that it would be some of the quickest months of my...
New Zealand Day Zero: The Adventure Begins
It’s hard to believe that it’s almost here! I’m actually getting on a plane and flying to New Zealand tomorrow. There are a lot of things that factored into my decision to go abroad, but one of the...
I Went to Target at Least 4 Times
I've heard it's better to take what you know you need than to arrive and realize you'll have to do without. They also say to pack light but that - as we all know - is crazy talk. Studying Abroad is...
a teacher’s role
Day 'tre': such a neat day visiting a local Catholic school, recycling center, and University of UNIMORE. The private Catholic school consisted of a lower level of kindergarten students (ages 3-5),...
Post Study Abroad
After the entire day of traveling which included the change in time zones and going through customs, I made it home after 17 hours. It was a pleasure to have this opportunity to study abroad in...
Paris: A Giant Staircase
Picture this: You're on an airplane. You recently were served 'dinner' at roughly 3am (your normal time zone), the gentleman next to you hasn't said so much as hello, you're starting to get cranky...
Life in Mumbwa, Zambia
We have just arrived to our first school and my first impression of this place is overwhelming. My heart is broken to see the conditions that most people live in, but my attitude quickly changed...
Germany Study Abroad in Action!
I had so much fun exploring Strasbourg during our day trip. Yes, my feet did hurt by the end of the day, but exploring France was worth it! I got to tour the city center via Segway and I climbed the...
Changing Lives in Zambia
We made it! We have arrived in Mumbwa, Zambia and today was our first day setting up a mobile clinic. My heart broke today as people lined the streets waiting for us to arrive to receive medical...
From Tuscaloosa, AL to Florence, Italy
How does one even begin preparing for traveling to an entirely different country? Well, I started with research; it is a good idea to have a basic knowledge of how people do things in the country...
Study Abroad Prague Part 2
Prague was a sight like none other. I have never seen a more beautiful place. The intricate architecture coupled with the amazing views of mountains was a sight to see. It took some adjusting to get...
Belgrade Day 2 – Refugee Aid and Serbia!
Day 2 in Belgrade is coming to a close, yet I feel like I have been here for much longer than 48 short hours. The extensive travel time has my brain a little out of whack, and I swear I’m a...
Bama in Novi Sad
Anytime you talk to someone who is familiar with Serbia, they'll most likely ask you if you're going to Novi Sad. The city is known as the most beautiful city in the country so this year our program...
Adjusting to Classes Away from UA
When I chose to study abroad, I knew I wanted a semester filled with completely new experiences. I chose to study in Prague, Czech Republic for this reason, and the school I have been attending has...
UA in Germany: Part I
Let me start by introducing myself, and give a little background as to why I chose to study abroad, why I chose Germany, et cetera: Hi, all. My name is Jake Elkins. I am a 19-year-old math...
My Favorite Places – Prague
After spending a week in Prague, I have had a lot of time to reflect on my favorite places we visited and the memories I will remember for forever. I would say that my favorite day was spending a...
Returning Home
Made it back to America. I'm actually pretty sad about returning home, but I'm excited to see what the future holds for a global economy. I made some great friends, tried some pretty strange food,...
17 days, 4 countries…
I went to Europe to study abroad in the Czech Republic and Greece but ended up exploring two additional extraordinary places. I have always been one to be spontaneous and adventurous so when the...