Bama Bloggers Abroad

While Abroad

When I arrived in El Escorial, Spain for my study abroad program, I was extremely overwhelmed and jet lagged. I was nervous and afraid of making new friends, speaking to the locals, and classes....

Finishing my Travels

7/1/17: My final week and a half of traveling abroad in Spain was bittersweet. For the past four weeks, I had come to love my new country and I was sad that I had to leave it. I had made tremendous...

Spanish Art and Cultural Heritage

Every part of my first three weeks in Barcelona has been amazing and eye-opening. One of the most unique opportunities with which I have been presented during my time here is one of my summer...

Month in Madrid

Hola! Today marks the last Monday I will be spending in Spain (at least for a while). It's a little bittersweet feeling. This country has for sure stolen a piece of my heart. But along with the...


I chose to study abroad because I wanted to gain field experience in primatology, so the program I chose was the perfect fit. Several factors led to my decision to attend the Balinese Macaque...

Back to the States

I'm finally back and rested ready to get back to work and my normal life here in Alabama. I have to say, I will be going back. I fell in love with how slow everything is. My favorite part about the...

The Adjustment Period

So after a very strenuous day of travel we have finally arrived in the beautiful city of Santorini. Santorini is a city full of beautiful white building and an even more beautiful crystal clear...

Living History

One of the truly amazing things about studying abroad is the opportunity to make the history that you learn in the classroom come alive! While you are abroad, you will most likely visit so many...

Pre-Departure Thoughts

  3 days from now, once I step on the plane, my life is going to change forever.   I’ve only been out of the United States twice; both times were to visit our missionary friends with my...

Greece Abroad

First Impressions My first impression of Greece was "Wow, this looks like home." The airport in Santorini is up on a cliff and looks a lot like the Sonoran Desert at home in Arizona, except with an...

A New Experience

This summer I chose to study abroad because I truly believe it is the best and most unique way to not only learn information inside a classroom but gain cultural experience as well. Last summer I...

The Beginning of a Journey

The first day of my journey was full of stress. Not only did I have to try to remember everything, but I then had to drive 4 hours in the pouring rain to the airport. My dad and I had a sad, yet...

Why Medical Missions in Ghana??

Pre-departure:   Why did you choose to study abroad? What factors (year in school, location, etc.) played into your decision? What key things did you have to consider before deciding to go...

While Abroad Adventures in Ghana

While Abroad We have taken several excursions while in Ghana. Each time, I am taken aback by how lively our discoveries and experiences are while adventuring. I go into each weekend excursion...

While Abroad

Upon arriving at Oxford, I was amazed at the beautiful architecture and the main lawn at the entrance of Worcester College. It felt prestigious to be here. The lawns and orchard are some of my...

Host Locations

Participating in two sessions this summer in Spain means that I get to have the experience of staying in two different host locations: one in the peaceful town of San Lorenzo and one in Spain’s...

Madrid to Home: Final Days

Eleven days and counting. The time is approaching where I have to think about packing and going home, but I don’t want to. Spain has become my home base in Europe and it breaks my heart even...

Pre-Departure Thoughts

I have several reasons for wanting to study abroad. I have always wanted to travel, and I figured that if any time was a good time to try, it would be now. Since I am a pre-med student, I would like...

Preparing to Head to Berlin!

Hi there!   My name is Sabrina and I am a sophomore at the University of Alabama. I am working towards a double major in Political Science and Philosophy with a jurisprudence specialization. My...

Not my plan, but whatever.

Going to a new place always means meeting new people. That probably is the most fluttering, yet terrifying aspect of going to a new place. I did not expect any of this because I did not intend on...

Only One Chance to Get the Treasure

As a citizen of Korea, but as a child who lived in America since first grade, Korea was unfamiliar to me. Just like any K-Pop star fans, Korea was a fantasy. I went to Korea on Fall 2016 for my...

Summer in San Lorenzo

Getting off the plane from Atlanta to Madrid was one of the most exciting and nerve racking things I have ever done. What will the school be like? Will I meet friends? Will I even be able to...

Clinical Day 1 Santa Cruz, Bolivia

Today was the first day of our Medical Mission trip with the Capstone College of Nursing to Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Being in the southern hemisphere it was the winter season although temperature were...

Getting to Know the Locals

After having spent some time here in Spain, I have realized that every interaction I have is an opportunity to improve my Spanish. While speaking with my fellow students has definitely improved my...

Italy 2017

Wow, Can I say culture shock?! I am stunned at how beautiful this country is. I don't have words to describe how beautiful this country is. I am traveling a lot and have so many trips planned I...

Travels before Copenhagen

Before my class in Copenhagen began, I got the chance to spend a little bit of time touring Europe with my family. My brother, sister, and grandparents met me in Copenhagen to begin our trip. From...

Beach Towns near Barcelona

While the beaches in Barcelona are lovely, they can be quite crowded and chaotic if you’re looking for a relaxing day at the beach. Luckily, there are plenty of quiet beach towns just a short train...

Barefoot in Barcelona

I had no idea my Study Abroad experience would be this meaningful. The people, places, and events I have been able to experience have been incredible. Living in Pamplona has been a wonderful time...

Akwaaba from Ghana!

My time here in Ghana has been such an amazing experience. The country is very peaceful and I would love to come back one day. As soon as I stepped off the plane in Ghana everything was different....

Belize Part 3: South Water Caye

The next leg of our journey brought us to South Water Caye, a tiny island about an hour from Punta Gorda. A tiny paradise, the island is full of palm tree, has a constant ocean breeze, greets you at...

First Impressions

After arrival in Dublin, despite my jet lag, my eyes lit up once I saw the city.  As I landed I was in awe of how green and beautiful the land was.  I was nervous about the weather here, especially...

While abroad: My arrival in London

While abroad: My arrival in London

We arrived in London around 11 am, jet lagged, and were forced to stay awake through the rest of the day in order to be able to sleep that night. I was tired, hungry, hot, cranky, and my first...

Final Week in Spain

This is my last week in Spain. I am starting to miss the US a little bit, but I am not 100% ready to come home. I have had a great time in Spain. Last weekend, we went to Barcelona. We went to Park...

Coming to an End

Exactly 4 weeks ago I arrived in Pamplona, Spain. In exactly 6 days I will be back home in New Jersey. Thinking back over the past four weeks, it is crazy how fast the time has gone, but also how...

My Time in Tours is Coming to an End

My Time in Tours is Coming to an End

It is my final night in Tours and it has been an emotional ride to say the least. I started the day by going to my last French classes at the Institut de  Touraine. All of my work has been turned in...

Bis später!

Far before I stepped foot on UA’s beautiful campus, let alone knew I would be attending UA, I knew that I wanted to study abroad at least once while in college. I had heard from high school teachers...

¿Qué pasa Cuba?

Hello and welcome to my pre departure self. Currently, I am preparing to study abroad in Cuba for a month! Wahoo!! A place that the United States has been closed off to for over 50 years and only...

Let’s GO!!

I am very exciting that the days are getting closer to my departure... Just 8 days now! When deciding where to go abroad I really struggled because I was hopeful to go somewhere tropical and full of...

Coming Home from Spain

Leaving Spain was weird for me. I missed my family. I missed my bed. And I really missed my kitchen (the food in Spain just wasn’t my favorite). But at the same time, I truly loved Spain. The...

The Return

A whole month has passed and I am finally back in the United States. I have to say it feels good to be back on US soil, but I am going to miss the trip very much. After a whole month of going non...

Before I Left…

I have always wanted to travel ever since I was little, so I knew that in college I would definitely study abroad somewhere. As I started my freshman year I started looking into programs and as a...

Save the Fishes!

What you're seeing in the photograph to the left is a stoplight parrotfish against the background of the Belize Barrier Reef. Amazingly enough, this beautiful fish is incredibly common on the reef....

Brussels, Belgium – Pre-Departure

I’m a list-maker. To-do lists, grocery lists, lists of what books I want to read, lists of what books I have yet to buy, and of course, packing lists have all come out of my dingy little notebook at...

All Good Things Must Come To An End

  After almost 5 months abroad, I'm back home in the U.S! I will never forget the moment I had way back in January when I took off in a plane and knew I wouldn't touch U.S soil for another 5...

El Escorial de San Lorenzo

Hola Amigos! So, I have been here for a little less than a month and I have already fallen in love with everything and everyone in Spain. Where to begin... In my opinion, we are staying in one of...

Hasta Luego Granada

Returning from Nicaragua was much more difficult than I had anticipated. I had just began to get used to the heat, the food and using Spanish more than English. Above all, I felt like I had not...