Bama Bloggers Abroad

Reflections in Spain

6/14/17: This trip to Spain has truly been one for the books. As the trip comes to a close, I reflect on how this trip has changed me. For starters, my Spanish speaking skills have improved...

Homesick in Paris

This experience has really been a dream come true for me. Although it has had many downfalls, I have experienced many high points that has made this study abroad experience worthwhile. Our first...

Gaining A Bit of Perspective

Nothing compares to field experience. You can spend months in a classroom studying something but until you see it out in the real world your perception of it is never quite true. You need to see it...

Le Tour de Food de France

When you arrive in a new country to study abroad, odds are you will have probably already given a lot of thought to the differences in culture. But I had underestimated just HOW different (and...

Pre- Italy Trip

I am so excited for this trip. I am studying abroad in Florence Italy, and I can't wait to leave. 13 days left and I am getting all the final paperwork pulled together and starting to pack! This...

Time Flies

I can only think of one word to describe my time in Spain so far: wow. I’ve been to so many cities, visited so many cathedrals, done so many things, and learned so much about the language and...

Hasta Luego, USA!

Before I dive in I think I should explain the game plan- because it is a complicated one. I decided to use my study abroad opportunity in Spain as an excuse to tag on a bit of additional backpacking...

week 4

It is now week four of my study abroad trip and I have been to New York, London, Paris and finally, Milan. The trip started out awkward and a little weird since we had all just meet each other and...

Familia Nica

The experience that I have had while being in Nicaragua has been the experience of a life time. Working in the clinic, we were able to shadow the doctors, take blood pressure and other measurements,...

Day in Smederevo

Thursday, May 11th, 2017, Today marks Day 4 of the Serbia Fellowship Experience. Early this morning, after breakfast and coffee, we prepared to head to the nearby city of Smederevo for the day. I...

Belize Part 2: Mainland Activities

After three days with very rustic accommodations on Lime Caye, I was excited to return to our lodgings at Big Falls. When we first arrived back, we attended a lecture by TIDE, the Toledo Institute...

Belize Part 1: Lime Caye

The day was finally here- departure day. After one plane flight and a very long bus drive, we arrived at Big Falls, Belize, to spend the night before going to Lime Caye. I was so excited to meet the...

See you soon Nicaragua

I came home from Nicaragua on Sunday. Since then I've felt a little odd. My trip went by too fast in some aspects while in other aspects I was ready to go home. I learned so much in regards to...

Back State Side

Now that I am back in the states, I can truly reflect on the brief, yet impactful trip that was the UH Clinical Experience in Nicaragua. My last day in the clinic was Friday June 2, and I was sad to...

Saying Hello Again

Coming Home You come home and everyone is happy to see you and exclaim how much they loved seeing your pictures. They ask a few questions, which will seem like strange questions to you since you've...

Ireland, Pre-Departure

My name is Darci Bevan, a rising Senior at the University of Alabama.  I am about to embark on the journey of a lifetime, to Dublin, Ireland for my summer internship. I will be working at Sutton...

Academics in Germany

Studying abroad in Germany was not at all what I expected. For instance, we were able to shadow a classroom at the JFK Institute in Berlin and I was shocked when the professor started speaking in...

Home Sweet Home

I had an absolutely fantastic experience studying abroad in Germany. It is amazing how similar yet so different two countries can be. It took me a while to adjust to the German culture upon arrival....

Estoy Aqui- Landing in Madrid, Spain

We made it. Just a short 9-hour plane ride later and here we are: Madrid, Spain. Right away I found others on the same flight as me as well as at the airport when I landed heading to the same...

Hello from Pamplona

Hello, my name is Wil Carpenter, and I am a junior aerospace engineering student studying abroad in Pamplona, Spain for the month of June. Obtaining a greater level of Spanish fluency was the main...

Home, Sweet Paris

Since I was a little girl, sitting up at night reading Madeline in bed, I have dreamed of visiting Paris! I began studying French when I was nine years old and immediately fell in love with the...

Hola from Granada, Nica

Hola from Granada, Nica

First things first, the weather here is incredibly hot. From sunrise to sundown I am covered in sweat. This wasn't necessarily what I expected but I'm taking it in stride. The first week of my trip...


While I enjoyed my time away, I was happy to come home. There were trivial things that I missed such as Netflix and Heinz ketchup, but there were also a number of substantial issues that made me...

Coke, Branding, & Global Impact

As an American, my mind has of course been saturated with American brands, products, and media. However, I never fully considered what kind of impact American marketing could have on people around...

Vienna and Budapest – Here we come!

Just a reminder - my name is Katie Butzer and I'm currently enrolled in a May-term International Financial Reporting course abroad. After an eventful 8 days in Prague, with a stop in Paris and a...

Beograd, the White City

Beograd, the White City

  Wednesday, May 10th, 2017, Today is Day 3 of the Serbia Fellowship Experience - the first full day after transit, and we are just beginning to get acquainted with the city of Belgrade. The...

Paris, Je t’aime

Paris, Je t’aime

The first week in France has ended and I can finally begin to organize my thoughts on all of the things that have happened thus far. The first week in France was spent in Paris with the goal of...

Academics Abroad

  The Honors College and the College of Business combined their German study abroad programs this summer. The honors students were originally focusing on intercultural studies while the...

A European Nostalgic Slump

Wow.  I have fallen in love with the city of Dublin, feeling more like a local here than I do in my hometown.  I'm accustomed to the daily life, from the bus system to the food trucks and city...

A Marine Scientist’s Ideal Study Abroad

You see where those waves are breaking. Right there and about forty feet down is where I will be spending most of my summer while in Roatan Honduras. I know what you are thinking, though. Forty feet...

The Halfway Point

This weekend marked the halfway point of my Clinical Experience in Nicaragua. My abroad experience, being only two weeks, is shorter than most, but I feel like I have grown tremendously since I...

Study Abroad in Spain – El Escorial

Pre-Departure (21/05/17): There isn’t much more I could’ve done to prepare for this excursion to Spain. For the past two weeks, I’ve spent my time volunteering at a clinic in Granada, Nicaragua with...


As the time for my departure is winding down, the only thing I can think about is how far I have come as a student and as an individual. Never would I have thought I would have the opportunity to...

All Aboard the Spain Train

Ever since my sister returned from her study abroad program when she studied at the University of Alabama, I have been dreaming of the day of when I would be able to go on my own study abroad...

Preparing for Pamplona

I have always been a chronic over-packer. Whether I’m leaving for a week or a semester, I cannot manage to pack efficiently. I know I don’t need 8 pairs of shoes and 12 different dresses for a 5...


Last week, we were in Prague, Czech Republic. After a very long flight, we landed Thursday afternoon at the Prague airport and hit the ground running. We had a great week in Prague. The Old Town...

Home Sweet Home: Little Changes

  I’ve been back in the states for almost three weeks now. It feels like far longer. It feels like I just got back. Reverse culture shock, despite the large differences in Thai and American...

Andiamo in Florence!

  In August 2016, I sat down in the second row of my Italian 102 classroom next to a girl who did not seem too intimidating. I chose the second row because that generally means you’re interested in...

Saying Goodbye

This is my final week in London and it is a very bittersweet week. I just came home from a trip to Rome where I spent it with my friend who lives there. I met her while I was over here studying, we...

brief – yet beautiful!

I suppose I am a little late to the game regarding my blog posts. I am currently taking a 2 and a half week course abroad as a part of my accounting curriculum, and it has been a whirlwind to say...

The First Excursion

Today was the first "full" day of my Nicaraguan Clinical Experience, and I could not be more pleased with my experience thus far. I began the day around  6:20, but it most certainly did not feel the...

honey, i’m home

Sadly, my journey abroad has come to an end, and after a long eleven hour flight home, it still doesn't even feel real. Initially, the first thoughts going through my head were all positive and I...