Bama Bloggers Abroad

Pre-Departure to Granada, Nicaragua

I've always wanted to study abroad but never thought I would have the chance because I am on the Pre-Medical track; last fall that all changed. Through the Honors College, I saw that they offer a...

Study Abroad in El Escorial: Pre-departure

I have finally made it. Sitting in the Atlanta airport waiting to board my flight to Madrid, I let out a sigh of relief. My family has left, and I have nothing to do before my flight but wait and...

Pre-Departure: Food?

I am one of those people who is always thinking about food. I plan my meals in my head hours before I will eat them, I schedule my daily activities around when I plan on eating, and I go to bed...

So… How do I Pack Again?

As I sit in my room a little over twenty-four hours until my flight, I reminisce upon the past few months of preparing for Spain... or at least thinking about preparing! While I believe I have been...

Preparing for abroad

Studying abroad without a doubt is an exciting adventure but comes with many different factors. This past summer I had the opportunity to travel to Greece and Italy. I had a little bit of a culture...

Pre-depature- #uafashioncapitals

I have wanted to study abroad ever since I began college, and the time is finally here! On Sunday I leave for New York City, and a week later our group will travel to London, Paris, and we will end...

Preparing to Tour Italy

From only knowing an American lifestyle to being fully immersed in the culture of Italy, this is how I attempted to prepare.

Time is Different Here

From There to Here I am currently about halfway through my time here in Florence, Italy. It feels both as if I just arrived here yesterday and like I have been here for years. Before this experience...

Saying Goodbye

The Places Today I walked past Santa Maria del Fiore (Il Duomo) after my last final. It previously stood as the pinnacle of where I wanted to be. Now, it is a pin on the map of my life. I will miss...

Weekends At Home

When I first arrived in Italy, I was excited not only about being in Italy but I was equally thrilled about quick and cheap access to the rest of Europe. As most people do, I made quick friends and...

From America to Spain: Pre-Departure Experience

Where do you want to go? Where can you go? Where should you go? Day after day you are asked these questions just as soon as you show interest in studying abroad, and if you’re like me, you hardly...

Reggio Emilia, Italy

Filtering through potential study abroad locations and programs was extremely time consuming for my indecisive self because there seemed to be so many options that all held unique qualities. Some...

Pre-Departure Blog: The Hair Conundrum

As I prepare to study abroad, I have constantly been at odds with one question – what should I do with my hair? Should I tame my wild afro with the straightener? Should I go with a nice weave or...

A Breath of Fresh Air

As my Latin American adventure comes to an end, I can’t help but look back on who I was when I stepped off that plane and who I am now. Before I came to Costa Rica, I was caught up in the daily...

Time in Europe so Far

So far my time in Ireland has been an incredible experience. Not only have I met many new people and made many friends but I have been able to see places that I never thought I would be able to....

Preparing for Takeoff

To say this past week was hectic would be an understatement. Preparing for my trip was the least of my worries amid finals and other end of the year responsibilities. The quick turn around from...

On to the Next Adventure

With only 2 weeks until the end of my program a lot is coming to a head. There are papers, tests, presentation and goodbyes much like there would be at home, but this time I also have to pack up all...

Serbian Fellowship Experience

Monday, May 8th, 2017, It is Day 1 of the Serbia Fellowhsip Experience. And so far, it has been unlike anything I have ever experienced before. I have traveled internationally on a number of...

Springtime in Paris

Today was the first day that I was truly able to experience spring in Paris. I found myself standing amidst blossoming cherry trees and various kinds of blooming flowers on my walk from the...

Almost Time!

Almost Time!

Studying abroad has always been something I aspired to do. I always told myself that no matter what I had to study abroad in college or else I would always regret it. However, it seemed like every...

Dinner with Friends

Here in London I have made friends from all over the world, my closest friends are from Germany, Italy and Mexico. All three of these cultures are very different but also have some similarities, one...

Flying Alone

  If you've never been on extended trip away from your family (vacation or otherwise), know that there are a number of factors to consider prior to your arrival in the country in which you have...

London Bound

Studying abroad has always been on my radar ever since my older sister studied in London a few years ago. She had the time of her life traveling and meeting new people. I knew it was something I...

When In Rome: My First Month Abroad

I’m currently sitting in the Tiber Cafe (my school's dining hall) reminiscing on my last month I have spent living in Rome, Italy. I am a junior studying abroad at John Cabot University located in...

Life Across the Pond

Life Across the Pond

Once I stepped off the plane at London Gatwick, I felt as if I was in the middle of dream. Everything was different. The people talked funny and the signs I had to follow were different than the...

Florence how will I ever leave you!?!

Living here in Florence has been a dream come true. I live in the PERFECT location. It sits right near the COOLEST market/hip new food court, San Lorenzo Cathedral, a bunch of shopping, my campus,...

The real reason why

Currently, I am a senior double majoring in business and Spanish at UA and I am absolutely and completely lost. I have 6 credits left to graduate in August and in order to fulfill those, it seemed...

Italy: Amalfi Coast

The past four months I have had the opportunity to travel all over Italy. Before coming here I had no clue how big and diverse the country was, you can go skiing in the Alps up north, exploring in a...

Birthdays and Homesickness

It’s been 3 months since I’ve been in Costa Rica and 3 days since my 21st birthday. Many people would think it would be a dream to spend their birthday abroad, but for me, it was the moment my...

Metropolitan Comparisons

These past few weeks have provided me with the opportunity to travel to a couple other large metropolitan areas of Europe, specifically Munich and Barcelona. Despite being in the same time zone and...

My time in London

I have had the amazing opportunity this semester to study abroad in London. and it has been the most amazing time allowing me to learn not only inside the classroom but outside as well. I took three...

La vie français: Des pâtisseries et du café

I have lived in France for a little over three months now, and every day is still an adventure. My exchange program is placed in Tours, France, and idyllic and quaint French town about an hour train...

First Week in Australia

Lemonade is actually sprite. Thongs are flip flops.  Toasties are sandwiches.  And everyone screams "Yeeew!" when they're excited.  Tim Tams are delicious and Aussie guys will make any girl swoon!...

First day at clinic

First day at clinic

We went to a government funded clinic in a town about 5 hours away from where we are staying today. There were a lot of people gathered outside when we arrived, I think they knew we were coming. I...

oh oh we’re halfway there

The checkpoint I've been dreading is finally here. The end of midterms and our spring break marked the halfway point and now the end is unfortunately in sight. Midterms went surprisingly very well...

Thailand: Pre-departure Thoughts

For me, trips don’t feel 100% real until my plane hits the tarmac on the other side. Despite this, my anxiety around packing likes to spike about two weeks before Departure Day.  The beginning of...

Out of Place in Paris

After over twelve-hours of total flight time, accompanied by a nine-hour time change, I arrived in Paris in the late afternoon. I was dirty, hungry, and tired, but my journey had just begun. Upon...

The First Few Weeks Abroad

Greetings from across the pond!! As I am now fully acquainted for the semester in Dublin, Ireland, I thought it would be a good time to write my first blog post!  I’ve been here roughly 6 weeks and...

First glance of Florence

I have spent many days and hours preparing to have the semester of a lifetime and I still find myself questioning whether or not this really is the life that I am living. I perfectly packed my bags...

First Impressions in Ireland

I have been at UC Dublin in Ireland for a week and have already learned many lessons and experienced many new things. After spending time preparing for my trip I was excited and nervous to see what...

Finish in Four: Pre-Departure

The reason that I chose to study abroad is because I have always liked the idea of traveling. To be honest, I never thought that I would have the opportunity to do so. This is mostly because...

Semester in London

This time tomorrow I will be settling in my dorm room in at London South Bank University. It’s always been a passion of mine to travel, and I’m so excited that I finally have the opportunity to live...