Bama Bloggers Abroad
Summer in Europe
Another great perk of studying abroad is being able to experience different seasons in different places. For example: experiencing summer in Europe. Summers in Europe can provide quite the culture...
Stop and Smell the Roses
This is probably the hardest post to write..not because I don’t have anything to write about, or because I’m bored, but to begin to describe all of the experiences I have had is unfathomable (along...
Beating Anxiety Abroad
I am in the throngs of my China trip and, miraculously, nothing terrible has happened. No earthquakes, no kidnappings, no allergic reaction, I began to feel like I was on top of the world! The fact...
Back to my German Roots
This was it. This was the part of the trip I had been anticipating for months! I was finally going back to Germany. I hadn't been there in almost 1o years, and here I was getting to go to Berlin and...
Enjoying Every Minute
Upon first arriving in Denmark, I was greeted with a very American-esque airport and crowds of people bustling about to their destination— a scene quite similar to the U.S. I pride myself on...
Czech, please
One of the perks of living in Europe is the ease of accessibility to other countries. In most cases, for less than one hundred Euros you can travel across national borders. Since I'm studying in...
Thoughts on a plane ride
So the beginning of my tale starts with a CRJ700 out of the Birmingham regional airport to Charlotte, as can be seen in the picture included (I am obsessed with planes!). I knew before coming that...
Culture of Berlin
Upon first arriving in Berlin, I immediately noticed how safe I felt. Granted, I took five years of German, so my familiarity with the language helped, but the environment of the city itself is...
The End of the Chapter: China
Right when I landed back in the US, I still couldn’t get my head wrapped around how I’ve been away for a month. I knew that once I got home I’d be behind in my friend’s life and my families, even...
Bama Takes Ireland
At this point in the trip, days start to blur together. Life on a study abroad trip is a whirlwind, but one that you never want to end. We had a total of ten days in Dublin, Ireland and we jam...
Learning to Problem Solve
Studying abroad is one of the best learning experiences for a student out there. It can teach a person so many different things. Not just about the world at large, but about themselves as well. One...
Hanging out at the airport: Berlin
While on my language program in Berlin, I spent one afternoon walking around the park, Tempelhofer Feld. This park is really special, because it’s actually an old airport used around the time of...
Saying Goodbye to Spain and Hello to Home
My time abroad was incredible and has definitely shaped the way that I interact with people. Throughout two flights from Madrid back to Chicago, I only talked in Spanish with native speakers. My...
Life Down Under
Sydney and I did not meet on the best of terms. Sixteen hours of flying across the Pacific Ocean right after six hours of flying across the United States and only a couple hours of sleep doesn’t...
The Return
The last leg of my journey led me to Venice, Verona, and finally seeing a live opera production! Our trip to Venice was too short, but the taste we got was delightful. It is a stunning city with a...
Anxiety Abroad
“I’m going to China.” I have been repeating this mantra in my mind since I decided to go on this trip back in November. Frankly, I don’t even know how I ended up here. I was simply walking out of my...
“It Was A Great Experience”
So how was Haiti? Everyone’s immediate question for me right when my feet hit the ground. Some of the students that had been on the previous trips to Haiti had warned me this was no easy question...
Getting excited
So far, my only journey out of my hometown was 4 hours away to the University of Alabama. Today, I'm packed up and getting ready for a flight to Brussels, Belgium, and the butterflies are finally...
Study Abroad Take 2
So, here I am again post-study abroad, writing blogs after the fact. They seem like such an easy thing to keep up with when heading off for your trip, but let me tell you for the SECOND time, I am...
Weekend in Oslo
While studying abroad in Berlin, I had the amazing opportunity to join my Norwegian friend on a weekend trip to her hometown of Oslo. It was such a cool and special experience to travel with one of...
How to Come Home
Although I was heartbroken to leave Europe, after two months abroad I was excited to see my family and sleep in my own bed. That being said, my journey home was anything but easy. For a whole host...
Beaucoup de Châteaux
France is an amazing country. The amount of history in the country is incredible. I feel like almost everywhere I looked there was another monument that was at least twice the age of the United...
While in Spain
My first impression of Spain was that it was a lucky place to be. When I looked out the plane window upon arrival, I saw a double rainbow encompassing the beautiful mountains and valleys— but...
Haiti, A Poor Country with a Rich Culture
When we first landed in Haiti, we stayed at a hotel near the airport since it was late at night and traveling to our home for the week was safer in the daylight. The next morning, we woke up early...
Back Home!
I cannot believe the semester is over! Since I left in the middle of January, I have been abroad for 6 months. The time has flown by. Finals were way more stressful abroad than they were at home...
After a long 17 hour flight back to America, and two more flights ahead before arriving back to Birmingham, I am very tired but excited to get home to a hot shower and soft bed. Yet, I am also...
Packing in a Frenzy
In the utmost college student fashion, I procrastinated when it came to packing for my trip to France. You see, I stayed in Tuscaloosa until May 15th and I was leaving from Atlanta on May 21st. In...
Watch out, Sweden!
Hallå! My name is Sam and I am heading to study abroad in a faculty lead program in Stockholm, Sweden in a few days. I am from a very small town and I wanted to study abroad to go out a see more of...
How to Speak French
Leading up to my study abroad, as I wrapped up all my Spring classes with finals and said my summer goodbyes, I began to get a little overwhelmed at the thought of leaving the US for nearly two...
Oxford, Here I Come!
My bag is packed, my pre-trip assignments are complete, and I am headed to Oxford, England in the morning! Wow, what a surreal thought. I have zero expectations and many questions, but that is what...
Spanish Surroundings
Being in Spain has been both exciting and frustrating at times. For the most part I am loving every minute of Spain: the food, the people , the location are all fantastic. However, the only personal...
With a Paris stamped Passport, here I come, Oxford!
I caught the travel bug as a young child and have been eager to return to Europe since visiting the summer following my junior year of high school. The 3 weeks I spent in Paris, France studying...
How To Do Paris
Paris was always one of those cities I assumed I would visit one day. The imagery of the Eiffel Tower, wide French boulevards, and high culture seems to be a common element of popular culture. From...
After I landed in Madrid several thoughts passed through my head. To start Madrid was huge but I wasn't tall. When I think of big cities in America I usually think New York or Chicago style cities...
En Route to Europe
My motivation and reasoning for going abroad is quite simple. As a rising senior majoring in chemical engineering, I am required to take a summer term Unit Operations Lab in order to complete my...
Where are all the fresh mangoes?
“Sorry. I mean Lo siento.,,, Oh wait I mean sorry.” That was the moment I realized that I was no longer in Nicaragua and back in the US. We had just arrived at the Houston airport and I was headed...
Last Few Days in Russia
Prior to arriving to Russia, I tried not to have too many expectations. My main goal was to enjoy the experience of being here in Russia. Obviously things are different here and that took an...
It is finally my turn
Growing up, one of the only college experiences that I heard from my parents was their study abroad trip. They still, to this day, refer to it as the best months of their lives. There was never a...
Coming home
I was surprised with how sad I felt leaving Nicaragua. While the heat sometimes felt unbearable, there was something about the people and the culture there that made it all worth it. When I said...
Sad Seoul
안녕 Sitting in a coffee shop in the middle of Seoul and finally realizing that in exactly a month, I will be back in Alabama, is filling me with nothing but sadness. It seems impossible that four...
Since I was little, I always imagined that I would live in the United States for my entire life. I know the language, the culture, and the best vacation destinations. I always envisioned the extent...
That One Time I Lived in France
So here I am sitting on my bedroom floor, back in Mississippi after a long day of traveling. My suitcase is not unpacked, my parents are trying desperately to keep their excitement of me being home...
A World Beyond All Imagination
In the year 2000, I got bit by the travel bug. Seeing as I am 21 years old, you may be looking at the year and thinking it was a typo. No typo here, that year is accurate. At age 5, I decided I was...
The Weeks Fly By
I'm entering my third week in Italy, and I can't believe how quickly the time has flown! My roommate pointed out today that we really have done so much in so little time. Last week, we visited a...
Realizations Following My Return
Returning home was something that I did not think much about while I was abroad because I was constantly on the move and experiencing new things. Sure, I would talk to family and friends from home...
Post Barcelona
Thoughts and Feelings - When it was time to leave my host family, I woke up early and started off the morning packing then waited as the house came alive. I remember my host brother, Alex, coming in...
While studying abroad in Ethiopia I was able to meet hundreds of Ethiopians as my team and I set up medical clinics in the locals' villages. The people were very welcoming and happy to see us. Some...
Eating Abroad
Eating Abroad One of the things you'll find that you'll miss the most from home about studying abroad will probably be eating your favorite foods. This problem also happens when you come back to...
Back Home
Now that I have been back home for a bit my journeys in Nicaragua seem more distant. While there I hiked volcanoes, searched for monkeys, and communicated in another language for two weeks. Here in...
Following the HERD
When I first heard about the opportunity to go to Haiti along side the painstakingly funny Lisa Mckinney and some of the brightest minds the Culver House Business School had to offer, I thought that...