Bama Bloggers Abroad
Nicaragua: A Vibrant Landscape
Actually getting to Nicaragua proved to be much bigger hurdle than anticipated. Despite checking and re-checking flight times and prices, and waking up at approximately 1:00 a.m., I managed to miss...
The Middle of the Chapter: China
Whenever I told anyone I was going to China, I always got a similar reaction from everyone, “why there?” Everyone assumes that China is not a place to travel to, that it’s dirty and the people don’t...
Dinner Table Conversation
We are now coming to the end of our time here in Tours, France and I cannot believe what an incredible time we have had here this past month. We have been challenged by school, amazed by sights, and...
Preparing for Ethiopia
Preparing for Ethiopia was a little different than preparing for any other study abroad trip. Common items such as toilet paper, tissues, soap, etc. are not readily available in Africa. Therefore,...
Pre-Departure To Nicaragua
I decided that I wanted to come to Nicaragua because it was the perfect opportunity to get valuable medical experience, to be immersed in latino culture, and to travel to a beautiful place. I start...
Spain Pre-Departure
I wanted to study abroad because I have only ever been in the United States and have never been submerged in a different culture before. The key things that I considered when choosing a study abroad...
Back Home
Now that I have made it back home all safe and sound, I am very appreciative of the the air conditioning here but sad that I had to leave such wonderful country. It was so nice to leave my...
This is not goodbye, it’s see you later.
I have been home a month now. People always told me it would be just as difficult to adjust upon return home as it was upon arrival in a new place. Maybe for some that holds true, but I think I was...
How to Prepare for Air Travel
What was supposed to happen: getting on board a flight from Atlanta to Charlotte, North Carolina, having an hour layover there, and then getting on board an overnight flight to Dublin Ireland. What...
A Portrait of the Traveler as a Young Man
By more than a few strokes of luck and some financial assistance, I have found myself waiting to leave on a flight to Dublin tomorrow. UA's program in Ireland ended up as my choice for study abroad...
I’m in London… WHAT!?
Is this real life? I think I might be dreaming. *pinch*.. Nope this is real... Before: Excitement and fear brewed inside me in the days leading up to my departure. People would ask, "Are you...
Two weeks in Ghana
It's been nearly two weeks since I left for my trip to Elmina, Ghana. Since then I've learned a lot about the culture and the people here! Every day I see exciting new things, and I always learn...
Touring Spain One City at a Time
Spain is a treasure trove full of historical sites. These places make the historical sites of the United States look like babies. Through out this month long study abroad trip, we have been able to...
142 Days, and that’s all, Folks.
I’ll start off this blog post with a cliché but oh-so-true sentence: Studying abroad was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I saw so many amazing places, met so many amazing...
Home is Where the Heart Is
After having a chance to unwind from a very fun, yet very tiring month, I've realized several things. While I've had the chance to study abroad previously, I think that this experience...
Exploring Granada, Nicaragua
I have been in Granada, Nicaragua for a couple of days and I love it! At times I might complain about the heat (okay probably more often than I’m willing to admit), but the kindness and compassion...
Returning from Nicaragua
My first thoughts as I got off the plane in Huston after spending two weeks in Nicaragua were nothing as poignant as I might have expected. As the plane hit the tarmac there was an initial sense of...
22 de Mayo 2016 Now I am sitting on the plane. I just watch Mexico disappear as the plane flew away. I am really going to miss Mexico. I do miss my family and I am ready to see them, but Mexico will...
Takeaways From A Third Trip To Haiti
Coming back from Haiti is always a very tough transition to go back into a developed country after spending a week in a developing one. The lack of basic amenities and conveniences in Haiti makes it...
En Granada
After a week in Granada, it feels like a second home. Aside for the heat and lack of running water in the morning, I could stay here indefinitely. It took a while to get used to the lack of air...
Preparing to Return from Paris
This month has been the fastest, longest, most amazing month of my life. Studying abroad in Paris has given me so opportunities, experiences and friendships that will last a lifetime. Looking back...
Academics in Italy
Before this trip abroad I studied Italian for four years in high school and for three semesters at Alabama. Italian has always come to me pretty easily so I didn't expect it to be any different...
From the Top of a Mountain
Think of the flattest place on the Earth. Well, that’s where I live, Illinois. Smack dab in the center of the Midwest. Being the second most mountainous country in Europe, Spain is full of beautiful...
Don’t Blink
As I lay in my bed the night before I leave to go back home, the only thing that fills my head are the unforgettable memories of the last 6 months. One of the reasons why I chose to go to London is...
Last Day in London
As I sit here in the London Heathrow Airport reflecting on the past six months that I have spent here, I am overcome with emotions. The past half year flew by so quickly, it actually feels like I...
3 Reasons to Travel to Eastern Europe
I have recently returned from a 2 week study abroad trip based in Warsaw, Poland and Prague, Czech Republic. This life changing experience exceeded my expectations by a long shot. I was a little...
Back in the States and Final Thoughts!
So after a whirlwind of 21 days, I made it back to my stomping grounds in Charlotte, NC. I am absolutely exhausted, and completely satisfied. The trip was better than I could of ever imagined....
Bienvenidos a Granada, Nicaragua
Granada, Nicaragua looks gorgeous in any pictures I have googled, but I am still unsure what to expect when I get there. I know the buildings are painted in bright colors and air conditioning is...
Bye Bye Paris
My trip has unfortunately come to an end. I honestly do not know if I was ready to leave or not. Leaving Paris was so bittersweet. I really and truly missed my family, but the things I learned while...
Weekend Getaway in Barcelona
One great thing about studying abroad in Europe is that there are so many amazing places to visit that are all just a short plane or train ride away. Last weekend we took a weekend vacation to...
Academics Abroad in Paris
While there are so many fun experiences that we've had in Paris, academics are of course a big part of our experience. Although our classes are in Paris, we are taught by UA professors. Each morning...
Arriving in Ghana
Today is my first day in Ghana! After over 24 hours of plane rides and layovers and 3 flights, we made it. I'm excited to spend the next month in Elmina, and to explore Accra and other towns and...
Getting a Little Taste of History
As an engineering student, history class was never really my thing. Reading page after page of a textbook about the Renaissance was such a chore. But learning history from a piece of paper verses...
My first week in Mexico!
May 8th 2016 When I first arrived to Mexico, I was excited and a little bit nervous. This was my first time out of the country and I was without my family, but I was lucky enough to be there...
On to the Next One
I'm writing this as we prepare for liftoff, headed to Berlin from Dublin. Our stay in Dublin was everything I could have hoped. My one worry, the perpetual threat of cold rain, turned out to be a...
Auf Wiedersehen
And just like that, the trip was over. I traveled back to the States with a number of my fellow travelers, which eased the separation anxiety a little. Arriving home, my main concern was staying...
Looking Back on Belize
Now that I've been back in the US for almost two weeks, I'd like to reflect on this trip and my overall experience of travelling abroad on a faculty-led program. First, I think that every student...
A Week in Prague
After spending the last week of my study abroad in Prague, I never want to leave! I would recommend to anyone even remotely considering visiting to go for it. Prague was one of the few cities in...
The first week of Dr. Steinberg’s summer class “Rainforests, Reefs, and Ruins” was spent in the Toledo District. From there, we traveled to various locations to learn about Belize and participate in...
Fulfilling Week in Gallette Chambon
The beginning of the trip was exciting as usual! It is so much fun to see all of the members of the community showing up to learn all week! The coolest and most rewarding part of this trip is being...
¡Hola Honduras!
I cannot believe that I am finally on my way to Honduras. I spent so much time getting ready for this moment and am so excited to finally be headed there. The process getting to this point was full...
Simple phrases like "ciao," "per favore," and "grazie" can get you far in a tourist center like Florence. I've been in Italy for almost a week now, and I'm starting to get used to the rhythm of the...
It’s hard to convey the range of emotions going through my head as I prepare to depart for Ireland and Germany. The week prior has been an absolute whirlwind; four final assignments capped off by my...
A Week in Warsaw
I have just finished up my week in Warsaw, Poland and it was truly an amazing experience! I am traveling with a group of students studying International Financial Reporting and what better way to do...
Packing for Ridges and Reefs
Now that I've spent a week living in a house in the Belizean jungle and a week on an island resort snorkeling every day, I've decided to post my original packing list and compare it to what I should...
Prior To My Third Trip To Haiti!
Prior to this trip to Haiti, I have been to Haiti twice before, once through this study abroad program in December and last May (2015) with a small group of students to scout for the eventual...
Views from the Other Side
For those of you that have been keeping up and for those of you that are just now reading, I was given one of the greatest opportunities to study abroad in Cuernavaca, Mexico (check out my...
Final Thoughts: UA in Germany
It's been an incredible month that I will definitely savor for the rest of my life. While I've had the chance to study abroad previously with a university affiliate, studying abroad with my fellow...
Going to España
From the day I was born two things were predetermined by my parents: that I would go to college and that I would study abroad. Fortunately, as I grew up I agreed with their ideals fostering a love...
You Better Belize It!
A few days after my graduation, I arrived at the Atlanta Airport. I departed from Atlanta to Belize for Dr. Steinberg’s summer class called “Rainforests, Reefs, and Ruins.” The three hour plane ride...