Bama Bloggers Abroad

School, Paris, and Cannes

School Once we settled into Paris for a few days, the reality hit: school. I was excited because I was very familiar with the teachers and their personalities. I was always down to learn a little...

J’aime Paris

When I first arrived to Paris, France I was definitely the ideal tourist. I had my phone out at every moment, gazing at the beauty of the city, making sure to capture every aspect. I was beyond...

El fin

And just like that, it's over. The day I've dreaded is here, taking me by the hand, yanking me to a place I don't wish to go. I write this with a cloudy mind, misty eyes, somewhere over the...

Some Final Words Before Departing for Florence

When the Italian department announced that Italian would officially become a major at Alabama there were two things I knew I had to do. The first thing was to declare Italian as my second major and...

Back Home

Being back in the States is great and strange, all at the same time. I enjoy being with my family in Florida and catching up with people who I haven't seen since January. However, I do miss the...

Greetings from Berlin

Hello! It's been about two weeks since the beginning of our UA Honors in Germany program, and time sure has flown by! It seems like just yesterday we started with our first day in Karlsruhe. I...

So much in so little time

First stepping off the plane into Managua I had no idea what I got myself into to but I slowly realized that everything was going to be okay. We breezed through customs, ate an amazing lunch and got...

Feeling “Cool” in Nicaragua

Nicaragua is very different from Alabama. I was very aware of this before the trip but seeing all of the differences in person made them so much more real to me. The moment I stepped off the plane...

Studying Abroad in Paris, France

Studying Abroad in Paris, France When we first arrived in Paris, France it was a bit overwhelming after flying all night, but once we started to drive through the streets of Paris I was overcome...

One day until China!

When I entered school at The University of Alabama, I wanted to study abroad more than anything. But after finding out that with the nursing curriculum couldn't be transferred abroad, I gave up that...

Pre-Departure Blog for France

Sitting inside during a cold afternoon during November, I began dreaming of summer (it seemed like it was forever away at this point) and I realized that I only have a very few summers left. I...

Mexico is Better Than I Imagined!

Wow! So far, I have spent two weeks in Mexico. What an amazing place! There is so much culture and history here! The first things I noticed were how old all the buildings were. For some reason, I...

Before I Board

Traveling. It's something I've always loved. Jesus. He's someone I've always loved. Nursing. It's something I've come to love. Now let's throw those three things into a pot and mix them all...

Preparing for Sydney

In just three short days I will be departing from my small PA suburb to fly to Sydney, Australia. Over a year ago as I spent hours researching which programs I was interested in, I came across this...

The Beginning of a new chapter: China

It was just less than a month ago I finished a big chapter in my life, freshman year. I just finished unpacking two days ago, and now I started up again for this new adventure, studying abroad to...

The Anticipation

The time between now and Sunday is moving way too slowly. On Sunday, a group of us depart from the US to Granada, Nicaragua. Our departure marks the start of a trip that I have been waiting for all...

Walking in Germany

Walking in Germany

I was in Karlsruhe, Germany, a relatively small city that is home to Karlschochschule International University. On the first day that we interacted with the University, we sat in on a lecture by Dr....

Rainforests, Reefs, and Ruins

I took Dr. Steinberg’s summer class called “Rainforests, Reefs, and Ruins.” The first week in Belize was filled with activities organized by the Toledo Institute for Development and Environment...

Off to Spain

Although I've never been the best speaker I've had a fascination with Spanish culture since the 2nd grade. My elementary school had an Spanish class one a week for all grades. Although I obviously...

Ready To Go: Granada, Nicaragua

When I first heard about the Nicaraguan Clinical Experience trip I immediately knew it was for me. It had everything that interested me: opportunities for lots of hands on learning in a medical...

Learning How to Speak Again

“Ano….Sumimasen, ichi onegai shimasu”. I said confidently to the staff member behind the counter. I knew she would understand what I was saying. A little cavemanish, but definitely passable, or so I...

The HERD Returns to Haiti

This time one year ago, I boarded a plane bound for Port-au-Prince, Haiti with a bunch of complete strangers and Lisa McKinney, a women renowned among Culverhouse students as the world’s most...

My first week in Belize

Belize is a beautiful country just south of Mexico. I have yet to meet a stranger here. The locals learn English in school, so English speakers will not have a problem communicating or getting...

Czech-in out Europe

Today is the day! In less than 24 hours I will begin my study abroad program in Warsaw, Poland and Prague, Czech Republic. I am so excited for this amazing opportunity to travel and learn in a...

Almost Over

I've officially finished my course studies in Dublin and bittersweet doesn't begin to cover it. I've managed to spend the last four months seeing every piece of Europe I could, and I'm not done yet!...

Moving through the Alps

Right now I am on a train headed through the Alps from Zurich, Switzerland to Vienna, Austria. My interim study abroad has been amazing so far. There are 11 students, both undergraduates and grad...

El Primer Día

While I’ll be gone for a month, I know my time in Spain is going to fly by. Quite honestly I think I’ll be having such an incredible time here in Spain it will be entirely too difficult to get...

Neuschwanstein Castle

Neuschwanstein Castle

When I signed up to go to Germany, I imagined getting a quick glimpse of the countryside through the train window, with most time spent in the big cities sightseeing. I am currently on the UA...

Tips Before the Trip

Call me crazy, but a month ago all I knew about Germany was history from World War II and the Berlin Wall (among other minute details). I spotted the UA Honors in Germany trip in the Honors College...

New Zealand Excursions!

I cannot believe I only have two months left in New Zealand! The semester has flown by! I have been fortunate enough to travel around the south island of New Zealand almost every weekend with my...

First Day! Flying in and Walking Tour

Flight into Dublin wasn't too bad.  I flew out of Charlotte to Boston, and then had a four layover in Boston.  Was able to catch up on work and get ready for the trip.  Took off from Boston at 6p,...

Paris (and London)… Finally!

Like so many people, Paris had always been a dream of mine. I would always fantasize about the food, the shopping and the culture in general. I was thrilled when I heard about the "PR in Paris"...

2 Days until Europe

The countdown has begun—2 days until I travel to Europe. I cannot believe Sophomore year has already come to an end, but I look forward to the exciting journey that lies ahead in the upcoming weeks....

Dublin, Berlin, Munich Trip Prep

In 19 hours my wife will drop me off at Charlotte-Douglas airport, and I will begin my Study Abroad Trip.  17 hours after that I will step off the Aer Lingus flight onto Irish soil for the first...

Pre-departure for my trip to MEXICO!

                                              I am four days away from going on my first study abroad trip to Cuernavaca, Mexico! This will also be the first time I will travel out of the country....

Exam Advice

I have about two and a half weeks left here in Edinburgh. I have taken two out of my three final exams so I feel confident enough to share a bit of advice about the exam process. For starters, all...

A whole new world: home

Spending three months in Cuba I had to learn new customs, speak in another language, and adapt to my unusual surroundings. With a daily routine consisting of class, walking around Havana, and a...

Paris in less than 24hrs!!

         Last summer, many of my sorority sisters were fortunate enough to study abroad for the summer. Prior to their departure I asked many questions, inquiring about the process in which I should...

Running out of time

So, as I sit here to write this I have three weeks left. How has the time gone by so fast? I remember yesterday boarding the plane on my way over to Spain. I cannot believe four months has blown by....

My Demography Was Not My Destination

It all started in March of 2015. It was my first time going through customs, a word I always heard about but never thought I would get to experience. It was my first time on a plane, a vehicle of...

But Really…Berlin?

When people discover that I'm studying abroad this summer, the first question I'm asked every single time is "Where?" Once I say "Berlin," I get a variety of responses that mostly include confusion...

Learning to speak “Australian”

I'm not going to lie, the fact that English is the main language spoken in Australia, was a major reason for why I chose to study here. I took 3 years of honors Spanish in high school and still...

Three Months Down, One to Go.

I cannot believe it. I have been in living in London for three months. This trip has been so many things. Exciting, exhausting, exhilarating, and so much more. London has been beautiful and I have...

Post Spring Break Reflections

Last Sunday evening, I arrived back in Bilbao, Spain where I've been living and studying since the beginning of January after traveling for 16 days during my Spring Break. It was an exciting moment...

Havana Good Time: Classic Cars and Cigars

Being in Havana, Cuba is an experience. The ability to feel a world away, with only 90 miles of separation has become a driving force in the way I have appreciated my time here. The rich cultural...

When in Dominican

My first impression upon arrival was a bit of a culture shock. When we landed in the airport, which is much different than our state airports, it was very colorful filled with art and murals. The...