Bama Bloggers Abroad
My Biggest Piece of Advice for Studying Abroad
After completing my first study abroad experience, when I reflect back on it, one piece of advice stands out that I would give to my past self at the start of this trip, and to anyone else about to...
Piazzale Michelangelo: The Most Beautiful Place I’ve Ever Been
By this point in our trip in Italy, we had seen a lot of beautiful things. Cathedral after cathedral, amazing landscape views and countless charming streets and alleyways. In our second to last...
The best Month Studying and Meeting New Friends
Day in the Life while Studying in Croatia and Exploring Italy
Departure from Oceania
As I am leaving Fiji, I have reflected on a few of the things I have learned in Australia, New Zealand, and Fiji. I have learned the world is a lot bigger than I ever thought, and I can learn almost...
Moroccan Excursion Comes to An End
My time in Morocco has been a whirlwind. Between studying Arabic at an institution and exploring every corner of Morocco while absorbing the culture, the past four weeks have flown by. While in...
How I prepared to Travel to Croatia and Italy May Interim
Exploring the Wonders of Morocco
Arriving to a new country can be incredibly overwhelming. You're in a strange new place that you may have never been before that may also speak a language that you do not know. Some of your first...
Flying Across the World, My Flight to Morocco
Traveling to a new country can be scary. Especially when it is in a new continent halfway across the world, and especially when it is your first time outside of America. The thought of flying around...
An Experience of a Lifetime
Over the past 3 weeks I had the opportunity to travel to four different countries and seven cities in Europe with UA Study Abroad. I don't even know where to begin with everything I learned and took...
Abroad in London
When I first arrived in London, I was immediately occupied listening to the locals talk. There's nothing like a good British accent, and I absolutely enjoyed listening to those around me. I was so...
What London Has Taught Me
It’s been an amazing first half of my trip. Currently on my way to Lisbon from London. I’ve created so many memories already and learned so much. Some things surprised me such as their pizza. You...
Go Abroad! And Go Again! It’s Worth iIt.
This is the second time I have studied abroad, the first being last summer in Rome. This time I am traveling to London, England, and Lisbon, Portugal, with a group from UA. Traveling last summer...
Traveling Alone vs. Traveling in a Group
Traveling to another country, whether you have done it before or not, can be extremely scary. Last summer I studied abroad in Italy by myself, which was the first time I have ever been out of the...
Difference Between London and Lisbon
On this trip, my program spent a week in London and a week in Lisbon, Portugal. While both are cities, they could not be any more different. London is a large, bustling city that never sleeps. There...
Day Tripping
Most study abroad trips stay in one or two places for the duration of the trip with time to do day trips on the weekend. My trip, economics in Croatia and Italy, however, spanned five countries and...
Tourism and its Impacts
Studying abroad is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that allows you to explore different cultures, meet new people, and learn new things. In this whirlwind of an experience, though, I think a lot of...
Packing Tips for a Month Abroad
My study abroad situation was unique because I left the Thursday of exam week to travel to Croatia for my month abroad. With no time to make a trip home I had the additional task of packing up my...
Kelsey’s Study Abroad Advice
After studying abroad, I learned so much about myself and the world. I decided to share some advice to help future students navigate this new experience. Here are five things that helped me while...
I am home and miss Belize
Now that I'm back in Chicago, my mind is swirling with thoughts and feelings about my recent adventure in Belize. When I first arrived at the airport, I was overcome with sadness and nostalgia,...
During Belize
My first impression when I arrived in Belize was that it was very hot; I suddenly got apprehensive about the weather and if I would be in miserable heat the entire time. The first night, I asked my...
Pre Departure to Belize: A Transformative Research Journey
Hello, I am traveling to Belize from May 4 until May 22 for a research project. I am an accounting major with an international business minor, and I chose this study abroad opportunity for the...
Predeparture: Motivation
I am going to be going to Zambia with the nursing school for my study abroad experience. We will be doing a pop up clinic Monday-Friday while we are there to provide free healthcare for all that...
Impressions of Italy
When I got back I was kinda sad to leave all the fun we were having in Italy trying new things like pasta making and departing from all the friends I had made on the short trip. I feel more equipped...
Finally made it to Bologna!
When we first arrived in Bologna I was a little overwhelmed because our luggage was still in Paris so we had to claim lost luggage at the airport. Thankfully, the airport delivered our luggage the...
Pre-Bologna, Italy
As a Hospitality Management major I had heard about the UA in Italy: Food and Wine tour study abroad program for a few years and was very interested. This certain program was the only reason I even...
Traveling Takeaways
I arrived back from Lisbon last night after a 17 hour travel day. Three flights and two connections was all it took to bring an end to my time abroad. Looking back on my study abroad experience, it...
Should I Stay or Should I Go?
Go. Go. Go. Summer of 2023, I knew I wanted to study abroad but I let the fear of how much it cost and the uncertainty of scholarships keep me from going. When the opportunity came up for me to go...
What would you do with one day in Paris?
I have dreamed of going to Paris ever since I was little, so obviously when I found out my program would include a day trip to Paris, I was stoked. The problem - so much to do and so little time to...
How prepared should you be for your time abroad?
As my study abroad trip comes to a close, one thing I have thought a lot about is how well I did or did not prepare for my time in each city. Luckily for me, the first half of my trip was in London...
Abroad with Lisbon in Sight
The second half of my study abroad we were in Lisbon, Portugal. We have been traveling non-stop and now are in a new location with a new place to call home until the trip is over. I don't know how...
Spending a Week in London, UK
I think my favorite part about traveling through London was being able to see Big Ben, London Eye, Buckingham Palace, and so many more places that I dreamed of seeing. Days feel so much longer while...
To live and to learn. USA or abroad.
I decided to write this post while being on my long trip home to the usa. I was able to reflect and think about the good and the bad and what I would do if the opportunity arose for me to go abroad...
Culture Shock. Good or Bad?
While traveling abroad I experienced a lot of culture shock. I spent two weeks in Spain, specifically Madrid and Barcelona. Seeing the different culture was not only eye opening but sometimes...
Home Bittersweet Home
I landed in Birmingham after over 24 hours of solid traveling. It’s a lot of work to cross an ocean. I made several of my favorite memories in Barcelona in our last 5 or so days of being...
Hola España! First days in Madrid
Public Transportation
Depending on where you will be traveling to, public transportation may be a useful way to navigate the city that you will be living in for the foreseeable future. If you have never used public...
Eating at Restaurants
Enjoying the Local Cuisine While you are abroad, there will certainly come a time when you and a few others within your group may venture off to enjoy a meal in your free time. This has been one of...
While Abroad in Oceania
My first impression when I arrived in Australia was that I was in an exciting place. I landed in Sydney first, and I wanted to see a glimpse of the opera house from the plane. I knew that I would...
Pre-Departure for Australia
I chose to study abroad in Australia to broaden my horizons in the world of international business. I think a lot of business for me can be done in an English-speaking country, and I thought this...
An Unforgettable Journey from Marrakech to the Sahara
During my study abroad experience, traveling to new places was always a highlight, but my trip to Marrakech, Morocco, and the Sahara Desert stands out as unforgettable. This adventure was unlike any...
Meeting New People at Companies Abroad
New Perspectives on Governments Abroad
New Dining Experiences in Prague and Berlin
A Bittersweet Return from an Unforgettable Adventure
Upon returning to the United States, I couldn't believe how much I had seen and done in a short time. I had taken in so much history, immersed myself in different cultures, tried new foods, etc....
Rome Bound
Studying abroad has always been an interest of mine during college. I received an email about a scholarship to study abroad in Rome, Italy for a month during the summer. Italy was on my top 3 list...
Finals Week While Abroad
Finals week was one of the most challenging weeks to balance while abroad. In my program, our grades were heavily weighted on the midterm and final so that we could have lighter workloads throughout...
Weekend Traveling While Abroad
Before going abroad, I had really limited travel experience that mostly consisted of family road trips and spring break with my friends. I had never been out of the country and was stressed about...
Off the Beaten Path
Although the prospect of studying abroad is exciting, preparing for the things you want to do and see on your trip can be beyond daunting. Before leaving for Italy, my TikTok was filled with...
Thoughts Before Departure: The Beginning of a Summer Adventure in Italy
Last fall 2023 I heard about a scholarship opportunity to study abroad in Italy. I figured that it was a long shot of me ever winning this scholarship but in life we miss every shot that we don't...