Bama Bloggers Abroad
Blog #2
When the plane touched down in Rome, I was beyond excited to be in Italy. I felt a bit overwhelmed with how busy it was how different the buildings look, and even the people (how they dress,...
Blog #1, Pre-Departure
I chose to study abroad for a variety of reasons. I have always wanted to travel the world and experience different cultures, and try new things. It truly fascinates me how people across the world...
Exploring Istanbul Before My Program
This post is about my experience traveling while having a long layover before the start of my UA faculty-led program.
The Friends You Make Along the Way
They Say They Call Me Mr. Worldwide
It has been one week since I returned from Prague and Berlin, and I have used this time to reflect on my experience abroad. On a lighter note, I miss the prices of food in Prague. We were given a...
Taking on Germany: Pretzels, Preparation, & Piece of Mind
My name is Dillon Cook and I am a rising senior with a triple-degree in Communication Studies, Human Environmental Sciences, and Criminology & Criminal Justice. Since I started at UA, I was very...
Into the Thick of It : Prague + Berlin
As soon as we arrived in Prague, I was apprehensive about how the experience was going to be. All of my classmates were business majors, and I am not, so I was unfamiliar with most of them. However,...
Studying Abroad as an Introvert who has Never Traveled | Reflecting on Pre-Departure
I’ve never been a particularly spontaneous person, I have always played it safe and always done what is comfortable. This has led to me continuously feeling unaccomplished and like I haven’t used my...
A Train Ride through the Alps
During our stay in Italy, our professor had planned a day for us to visit the Swiss Alps. We started our day bright and early, getting on a bus around 7:15 and driving for about 3 hours to St....
Coffee Culture
So far, I have had coffee in 3 different countries: the United States, Croatia, and Italy. The coffee culture in the U.S. compared to Italy and Croatia has been vastly different. In the United...
Expectations Vs. Reality: Venice, Italy
Growing up, I had seen portrayals of Venice in pictures, videos, and movies. My expectation of the city of Venice was that it was completely a city of water, where there were no sidewalks or...
Some of my Favorite Things on My Study Abroad
At this point in my study abroad, I’ve visited about 12 cities within 4 countries. Each city has its own culture and environment, and I’ve enjoyed experiencing each one. However, there are some...
Maybe the Real Study Abroad was the Friends We Made Along the Way
I don’t know if you’re anything like me, but for my study abroad experience, my parents were more stressed over my travels than I was. They were mostly concerned about me missing a flight or being...
Preparing to Leave Spain
A Perfect Weekend Getaway: Cinque Terre from Florence
A Perfect Weekend Getaway: Cinque Terre from Florence On the east coast of Italy lays Cinque Terre, a collection of five small villages that offer a quiet escape from the bustling city of Florence....
Making Friends Abroad: My Roommate Experience in Florence!
Before I left, everyone was saying how studying abroad is a life-changing experience and I will meet my best friends, and after just four full days, I can wholeheartedly agree. When I first arrived...
Packing for Three Weeks in Italy!
As I sit on my suitcase trying to get it to zip, I realize I may have overpacked a taddddd bit, but I can’t help it, I love to be prepared! After another hour of downsizing my bag, I think I now...
Global Journey: Cultural Immersion in Australia
Studying abroad offers a transformative experience that is filled with countless opportunities for personal and professional growth. As I prepare to embark on my journey to Australia, New Zealand,...
Stem Research trip in Europe
F1 On A Free Day
Our abroad trip, UA in Europe: Climate and Water, has two free days built into our schedule. One of these was out of Trento, Italy, on the 19th of May. This happened to be the same day that the...
The Long Way Here
I have made many long-distance trips in the past. Whether this is a car trip with my family to Florida or a multi-hour flight across the states, I can confidently say I have some experience with...
The People Who Made It Special
I came to Milan not knowing a single person and will leave with friends for a lifetime. The first day I got here I got familiar knowing me group full of American students and also my roommate from...
Excursions from Milan
Some of my biggest anticipations when studying abroad were the travels I would embark on. I was intrigued to learn about the many different cultures throughout Europe and the different things each...
The Many Lessons of Studying Abroad in Italy
Now that I'm nearing the end of my semester in Milan, Italy I can appreciate the many important life lessons I've learned. The number one thing I learned is always take the risk. Going to a foreign...
Pretending To Be A Mermaid In Belize
By Celie Cowart | May 22, 2024 | Central America, Marine Science, Faculty-Led, Summer
Swimsuits and Snorkels: My First Time Abroad
By Celie Cowart | May 04, 2024 | Central America, Marine Science, Faculty-Led, Summer
My Journey to Studying Abroad as a Non-Traditional Student
So here I am, in the middle of my sophomore year in my 40's, a full-time student running my own company, married with three kids, and running a small goat farm, planning a trip to Ghana! Amidst this...
Suitcase Shenanigans: Packing for a month in Ghana!
Greetings, let's dive into the hilariously chaotic world of preparing to travel abroad to Ghana. As someone who's a pro at under-packing (read: I'm a carry-on-only type of gal!), gearing up for...
Preparing For My First Ever Study Abroad Experience!
I am extremely excited for my trip to Colombia! It’s my first study-abroad opportunity, so I want to make the most of it while I’m there. I’m studying in Colombia this summer because it’s the...
Getting Ahead of Jet Lag
What Is Jet Lag? If you are studying abroad, then there is a decent chance that you will have to get over jet lag. Jet lag, as defined as defined by the Oxford Dictionary is “extreme tiredness and...
Farewell Europe!
Overflowing with gratitude as I pen down the reflections of my soul-stirring voyage through the captivating cities of Prague and Berlin. Each cobblestone street, every towering spire, and the...
Finding Family Abroad
There are so many wonderful memories and experiences that I have gained from spending a semester abroad, but the best of all of them has been the opportunity to reconnect with my family that lives...
Before Studying Abroad in London
As the spring semester comes to an end, and everyone is on their way back home, I find myself on the brink of an exhilarating journey—studying abroad in London. The decision to embark on this...
Preparation to Study Business Abroad in Rome, Italy
I have been putting a lot of effort into going abroad since it's something I've been looking forward to trying for myself. I've heard great things about Rome, Italy and I'm grateful to have...
From Italy with App-titude: How an App Revolutionized My Trip!
A Sweet Finale in Prague: Exploring Prague Chocolate – Steiner and Kovarik
Wrapping up my time in Prague on a delicious note, I spent my final day immersing myself in the intricate bean-to-bar process at Prague Chocolate - Steiner and Kovarik. This visit was a delightful...
My First Day in Prague
Greetings From Prague! Today, I'm sharing my amazing first day in Prague. Our group wandered the Old Town's cobblestone streets, soaked in its history, and joined a tour that unveiled Prague's...
Preparing for Summer Study Abroad
With all the preparation of getting ready the past couple weeks to study abroad in London and Lisbon, I didn’t anticipate how fast the time would go by until I was getting ready to board my plane to...
Health and Well Being Abroad
Maintaining your well-being while abroad is key to enjoying your experience to the fullest. Whether it's mental, physical, or social health, each aspect plays a crucial role in your overall...
Navigating Study Abroad Pressures and Priorities
Why bother studying abroad? It's a fair question. If you have any desire to study abroad, hopefully, some reasons come to mind. It could be learning a new language, enjoying the new food and...
Arrival and First Impressions
I’ll start by saying I am having a blast so far! I have never traveled so far, this is my first time out of the country, and only my second time flying! The time difference coupled with packing late...
Adios Madrid, Hola Barcelona
I absolutely loved Madrid. Today, we wrapped up our time in the city, and headed for Barcelona on a train. It was a bitter sweet goodbye. I know I won’t be back in Madrid for a very long time if at...
Waiting in the airport
I always like to get to the airport super early before any of my flights. Today is no different, I am here 4 hours before my flight leaves. I like to find my gate and sit before the long trip. I am...
Pre-Departure Jitters
As a lover of traveling, I am very excited to embark on my study abroad adventure, but of course with that comes some jitters and nerves. I am very excited to have the opportunity to study abroad in...
Leaving So Soon
As the end of the spring semester quickly came to a close I headed home to Maryland to prepare for my study abroad trip. With a quick 3 day turn around I was very busy trying to catch up with...
An adventure I never want to end
While Abroad I am currently on my trip studying abroad in Europe heading to the third country already! We first arrived in Venice, Italy, then traveled to Ljubljana, Slovenia, and are now going to...
My journey in deciding on a study abroad program
Pre-departure Since I came to The University of Alabama as a freshman in August of 2021 as an out-of-state student, I knew going abroad was always a dream of mine. Both of my older sisters attended...
My Unplanned Must Haves While Studying Abroad
Study abroad requires much preparation and packing. However, there are a few essential items everyone should have on their person while traveling abroad. Although living a...
Preparing for Departure: T-Minus 18 hours
As I look at all of the articles of clothing that are sprawled out over my bed, I feel a mix of excitement, nervousness, and of being overwhelmed. Just five days ago I had all of these clothes...
Pre-departure: London and Lisbon
Hi, I'm Sam, a rising senior majoring in accounting at the University of Alabama. I'm from Louisiana, and this is my second time leaving the country and my first time traveling to Europe. While I am...