The UA in France program begins with a week-long excursion in Paris and
Versailles, visiting major historical and cultural sites and attending
performances, followed by four weeks of concentrated study at the
Institut de Touraine, in the city of Tours, while living with a French family.
There will also be other excursions to more World Heritage Sites in
France, including a day-trip to seaside locations at Le Mont-Saint-
Michel and Saint-Malo, with the possibility of visiting many of the
gorgeous Renaissance Châteaux of the Loire Valley. In every location,
participants will be immersed in French language and culture, resulting
in an optimal learning experience. Every student will earn 6 hours of
credit. Credit is available (for undergraduates and graduates) for a full
slate of courses that will help any participant satisfy requirements for a
major or a minor in French, or for foreign language proficiency for some
other program, or just for personal interest and enrichment.
Faculty name: Jean-Luc Robin
Faculty Email: jlr@ua.edu