Tips from an Overpacker

Tips from an Overpacker

I am a chronic overpacker. There’s no getting around it. I always find myself leaving home with a bag bursting at the seams, hoping desperately I don’t have to open it and somehow manage to achieve the miracle of zipping it shut a second time. Unfortunately, this is a...
When in Rome…

When in Rome…

Trevi Fountain I am writing this post from my bed back home. It is so hard to believe that my time in Rome has come to an end. I feel like my 10 weeks in Rome went by so quickly. While I am glad to be home and getting to see my friends and family again, I do miss Rome...

UA in Germany: Part I

Let me start by introducing myself, and give a little background as to why I chose to study abroad, why I chose Germany, et cetera:   Hi, all. My name is Jake Elkins. I am a 19-year-old math and physics major from essentially just down the road–Birmingham,...

While Abroad

My first impression while arriving in Spain was that there was more graffiti than I thought there would be! My idea of Spain was that it was a clean and classy country (and it is). While those things are true, I did not expect to see sidewalks and buildings with...

5 Reasons to Study Abroad

Now before I get to talking about studying abroad, I thought it might be important for you to know about me so that you can see from where I’m coming. My name is Lucas Palonen and I’m a junior at the University of Alabama. I am studying Accounting with a...