Getting Ready for Spain

I chose to study abroad for a few reasons. My family and I have traveled around the US my whole life, so I thought it was only necessary to take this opportunity and travel Europe. I have family and friends who have studied abroad, and I’ve never had a conversation...
After Returning

After Returning

After a 13 hour plane ride ( and some tears) I arrived back at LAX. The past four months came and went so quickly as if the whole thing was an elaborate dream. My adventure coming to an end is extremely bittersweet. I’m excited to be home for the holidays with family...
45 days In.

45 days In.

Today marks 45 days since I’ve arrived in Rome, Italy so without further ado let’s get right into the process of getting here and getting settled into my new home. Traveling to Rome with my mom and my best friend(Emma) was the most comforting thing ever. We left...
The Magic of Paris

The Magic of Paris

There I was standing in a crowd of hundreds of anxious people waiting for the clock to strike 11:00 p.m. Those same voices began to countdown from three to one. After the last voice echoed the number “one” aloud I experienced one of the most magical experiences of my...