One Month Left

One Month Left

Dobry den! I have been living and studying abroad in Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic, for almost exactly three months, and it has quickly become my favorite city in Europe. I have lived in a very rural area for most of my life, and Tuscaloosa isn’t much of...

UCD Blog Post 3

Now that I’ve come to a small break in my travels, I figured it was a good time to write my third blog post. This past month, I have had the opportunity to visit Barcelona, Paris, Amsterdam, and Lisbon, all while keeping up with my studies in Dublin! The way I...

Seeing the World

One thing I looked forward to doing the most when studying abroad was going away on weekend trips to different countries! Since I have been abroad, I have had the opportunity to travel to various places such as Hungary, Portugal, Morocco, Austria, Croatia, and...
Looking back at abroad

Looking back at abroad

Now that I have left Europe and have been hope for a month, I have been able to look back at my experience and appreciate what has happened this summer. If you have the opportunity to go abroad for an internship or classes… do it. It is such an amazing experience and...