by Antonia S | Apr 27, 2023 | Arts & Sciences, Europe, Honors College, Semester, UA-Affiliate, _
Study abroad has been A DREAM so far! The amount of things you get to learn from your various experiences is like nothing else in the world. Study abroad has taught me things school never could. I’ve been able to find my independence through this trip and...
by Pieter B | Apr 22, 2023 | Arts & Sciences, Europe, Semester, UA-Affiliate, _
Settling into life here in Leiden, the Netherlands, has been straightforward and enjoyable. My orientation week was a fantastic introduction to the city, school, and my fellow international students. It was exhausting and exhilarating at the same time: a whole week of...
by R. Hall | Apr 22, 2023 | Arts & Sciences, Europe, Semester, UA-Affiliate, _
Hi there! My name is Raegan Hall, and I spent my senior fall semester in Florence, Italy. Where to begin? I fell head over heels in love. From the rich history, the masterpieces hidden on nearly every street, the FOOD (oh my goodness, it was good – plus...
by Caleb G | Mar 27, 2023 | Arts & Sciences, Central America, Faculty-Led, Semester, _
Overall Reflection I will never forget this Study Abroad experience. Through it, I have met an amazing group of people, learned practical information about international business, and realized how many opportunities exist within the world. I was a little hesitant of...
by Caleb G | Mar 27, 2023 | Arts & Sciences, Central America, Faculty-Led, Semester, _
Overall Thoughts So far, my time in Panama has been AMAZING! Panamanians and the country itself are so genuine and true to themselves. This trip has been very busy with all the business visits, however, it has been so rewarding. All of the sights and coastlines are...
by Caleb G | Mar 27, 2023 | Arts & Sciences, Central America, Faculty-Led, Semester, _
An overhead view of Panama City, Panama Motivation/Reasoning I chose to study abroad in order to both become a better well-rounded individual and to network and form connections abroad. I first heard of this opportunity at while at a BamaBound inside Culverhouse and...
by Gianna C | Mar 20, 2023 | Arts & Sciences, Europe, Honors College, UA-Affiliate, _
Still living the dream! I have been in Dubrovnik for a month and a half and it has exceeded all my expectations. One of my favorite things it being able to explore Eastern Europe. I have visited countries such as Bosnia and Montenegro, places I would have never even...
by N. Prescott | Mar 10, 2023 | Arts & Sciences, Europe, Faculty-Led, Summer, _
When overseas, a lot of things can deviate from what you’re used to. The most obvious of these is language. While in many Western countries, English is a common second language, you can’t necessarily depend on the very person you’re trying to...
by N. Prescott | Mar 10, 2023 | Arts & Sciences, Europe, Faculty-Led, Summer, _
Many times when traveling, we tend to think about what we’ve already packed and planned to see when we get there, but we don’t always consider what the experience of meeting the locals will be like, and what new sites and experiences that they can...
by N. Prescott | Mar 10, 2023 | Arts & Sciences, Europe, Faculty-Led, Summer, _
While I studied my destination to a considerable degree before travelling, what I didn’t fully expect was the difference in the way that Germans choose to live life. They don’t permit their life to be a daily grind of essentially enabling their employment,...
by K. Crutchfield | Mar 10, 2023 | Africa, Arts & Sciences, Asia, Europe, Semester, UA-Affiliate, _
I have been studying abroad on a ship for the past three months and it has changed my life in every possible way. From meeting my best friends from around the globe to educating myself on a cultural level through various experiences in port, Semester at Sea is the...
by Molly T | Mar 10, 2023 | Arts & Sciences, Europe, Faculty-Led, Semester, _
by W. Moore | Mar 10, 2023 | Arts & Sciences, Europe, Faculty-Led, Summer, _
by W. Moore | Mar 10, 2023 | Arts & Sciences, Europe, Faculty-Led, Summer, _
by E. Pray | Mar 9, 2023 | Arts & Sciences, Europe, Summer, UA-Affiliate, _
by E. Pray | Mar 9, 2023 | Arts & Sciences, Europe, Summer, UA-Affiliate, _
by E. Pray | Mar 9, 2023 | Arts & Sciences, Europe, Summer, UA-Affiliate, _
by J. Money | Mar 9, 2023 | Arts & Sciences, Europe, Faculty-Led, Honors College, _
As a student on the UA in Oxford faculty-led program, I had so many opportunities to explore other regions of England besides Oxford thanks to the flexible schedule of the program. When planning for which areas I wanted to take trips to, I knew I had to make it to...
by E. Brennan | Mar 9, 2023 | Arts & Sciences, Europe, Faculty-Led, Summer, _
I expected coming back home to be easier than it was. I was not abroad for a whole semester, only 6 weeks, so it seemed it would be easy. But, getting back into my routine proved difficult. I was exhausted at the end of my trip and really, really looking forward to...
by Molly M. | Mar 9, 2023 | Arts & Sciences, Summer, UA-Affiliate, _
Now that I have left Europe and have been hope for a month, I have been able to look back at my experience and appreciate what has happened this summer. If you have the opportunity to go abroad for an internship or classes… do it. It is such an amazing experience and...