My First Days in Dublin!

My First Days in Dublin!

Hello! My name is Lija Gaikis, and I am a third year student studying abroad in Dublin, Ireland at University College Dublin! I arrived on Tuesday, January 16th, and it has been a wild week and a half. I am initially from Chicago, IL. When I got off the plane the...
Reflecting on My Journey

Reflecting on My Journey

It was finally time for me to depart Europe. I made my final journey to the airport, dragging my suitcases behind me on the cobblestone walkways. Next thing I knew, I was in the air on my way back to the United States. The flight was an eleven-hour flight to Atlanta,...


I have just returned from my summer travels in Croatia, Thailand, the Philippines, and Malaysia, and I am returning to school in Tuscaloosa in a week and a half. Traveling in Asia has even further expanded my understanding of the world and my own place in it. I...
Proud to be an American

Proud to be an American

I have travelled before, but I have never felt the same way about leaving home as I did on my study abroad trip. My study abroad trip was by far the longest I have ever spent away from home. It was about 6 weeks total away from home and I missed the luxuries of...
“Living” Abroad

“Living” Abroad

I’ve been on vacation in foreign countries before, but I have never actually “lived” in a foreign country for an extended period of time. Upon arriving in Porto, Portugal, we headed to our apartment and got checked in. We each had our own room, bathroom, and air...