Weekend Trip to Morocco

Weekend Trip to Morocco

I am studying abroad in Madrid, Spain and this last weekend my roommates and I took a trip just south to Tangier, Morocco. I was especially excited about this trip because I knew it would be a much different culture than I have seen before, and I was also excited to...
Preparing for Italy

Preparing for Italy

If I was to tell myself one year ago that I would be in my final hours before departing to study abroad in multiple towns in Italy I wouldn’t believe it at first due to all of the covid-related restrictions, costs, and just how big of an opportunity this is. I...
Adjusting to Spain

Adjusting to Spain

I have now been in Spain for 3 months, and it was a challenging change at times. During the Alabama study abroad seminar, they discussed the different phases of emotions we would go through abroad and they were exactly right. There were times of missing friends and...
Spanish and Italian Tour

Spanish and Italian Tour

This year’s spring break was unlike any other for me. For starters, my University gives everyone two weeks off instead of one (which is honestly too long). I began my break in Barcelona where I met up with some friends who are studying in London. While in...

Pre Departure Decision

I never truly considered studying abroad until September of last semester. I remember talking to one of my friends one night and him telling me that he was going to Spain in the spring for the whole semester. I told him that I thought it was so cool and he looked at...

Cultural Excursions from Home

As a final assignment, each lab group in my course was given a topic about either Denmark, Ireland, or Scotland to present for our class. These topics ranged from European football, the Loch Ness monster, and The Black Death to name a few. My group presented on the...
Scotland So Far

Scotland So Far

When I first arrived in Edinburgh, Scotland, I was overwhelmed and experienced major jet lag. I was excited to be in Scotland but also nervous at the same time. The first interesting thing I noticed when I arrived was that people drive on the left side of the road in...