by Shelby Jordan | Aug 18, 2023 | Arts & Sciences, Europe, Faculty-Led, Summer, _
Preparing for studying abroad can be a daunting task, but it helps to know what to buy and pack. I chose to study abroad in Ireland on a 2.5 week faculty-led course and spend the rest of the month of June in Europe with my family. I managed to pack for 5 weeks in a...
by Jordan R | Aug 17, 2023 | Commerce & Business, Europe, Faculty-Led, Semester, _
I have been home for two months now. That is a crazy thing to say. Two months have come and gone in the blink of an eye. Truthfully, I am not sure I even had a phase where I eased back into reality. I flew back to UA, experienced no jet lag, moved out and then drove...
by Abigail Yarbrough | Aug 17, 2023 | Arts & Sciences, Europe, Summer, UA-Affiliate, _
As you start preparing to study abroad, it can be a daunting task to think about all of the things that you are going to experience. You will have to tackle many problems head-on and in a foreign country. However, before this happens, you will have to overcome the...
by Abigail Yarbrough | Aug 17, 2023 | Arts & Sciences, Europe, Summer, UA-Affiliate
While studying abroad in southern Italy, I have had the privilege of taking many different day and weekend trips around the country and around Europe as a whole. The transportation system present in Europe, with the presence of high-speed trains and budget airlines,...
by Oscar Nava-Sainz | Aug 17, 2023 | Commerce & Business, Europe, Summer, UA-Affiliate, _
I’m going to miss the food, though I got back home last night. I have to say, it feels good to sleep in my bed and play my guitar again. The best part about being home is being with my family and friends again. Although I made friendships abroad, I still felt...
by Tyler Hogan | Aug 17, 2023 | Europe, Faculty-Led, Nursing, Summer, _
Preparing to travel had to be the scariest part of Study Abroad for me. Figuring out how much to pack, should I bring all of these supplies, how many different pairs of shoes do I need? It was a lot. I also have a tendency to overpack, and this trip was no different....
by Tabitha B. | Aug 17, 2023 | Commerce & Business, Europe, Faculty-Led, Summer, _
When you arrive at the Madrid airport, you will go through a section that takes you directly to customs. At customs, you answer the standard questions about your stay. After going through customs, you will be able to retrieve your bags from baggage claim – a...
by Tabitha B. | Aug 16, 2023 | Commerce & Business, Europe, Faculty-Led, Summer, _
Madrid has so many things to do, it’s hard to really know what there is to do in Madrid and what is worth doing. In my time here in Madrid, I have compiled a list of museums, parks, markets, stores, and more that I have enjoyed! The museums: The Prado Museum....
by Tabitha B. | Aug 16, 2023 | Commerce & Business, Europe, Faculty-Led, Summer, _
My biggest recommendations to make your study abroad experience better Pack really light. I’m not saying don’t go without clothing, but be very prudent about what you pack. I over-packed a few t-shirts that I thought I would wear so much more and I can...
by Sarah Scarcliff | Aug 11, 2023 | Arts & Sciences, Europe, Faculty-Led, Summer, _
What’s taken me by surprise as I’ve been back home I expected there to be a lot of cultural nuances that took getting used to as I studied abroad in France. What I didn’t expect, though, was to be shocked anew as I re-entered the U.S. There are...
by Mina Webster | Aug 10, 2023 | Commerce & Business, Europe, Faculty-Led, Honors College, Summer, _
One of the last adventures I took during my time at Oxford was a short weekend trip to Edinburgh with two really cool people (shoutout Ava and Sam). The train ride there was beautiful and I honestly forgot that we were on a train for 6 hours because of the rolling...
by Mina Webster | Aug 10, 2023 | Commerce & Business, Europe, Faculty-Led, Honors College, Summer, _
One of the first outings I went on for class was one that for one of my classes; The Arts of Oxford. Since we were discussing Alice in Wonderland in class and all of its ties to Oxford I was excited to get to experience some of the physical places that inspired the...
by Caleb W. | Aug 10, 2023 | Commerce & Business, Europe, Summer, UA-Affiliate, _
Over your study abroad experience, you will likely experience a wide range of emotions towards both your host and home countries. For myself and many of the people I live with abroad, the period leading up to returning home is especially varied from person to person....
by Ella F. | Aug 10, 2023 | Commerce & Business, Europe, Faculty-Led, Summer, _
Looking back on my time in Spain, I’m so grateful to have gotten this opportunity! I got to experience so many different cities in Spain. Despite this, I could spend another summer in Spain and there would still be new cities to explore! I guess this gives me a good...
by Ella F. | Aug 10, 2023 | Commerce & Business, Europe, Faculty-Led, Summer
Going into studying abroad, it was very important for me to be able to experience as many new cities as possible. My program has built in day trips for every weekend except for two. This has made it especially easy (and so much cheaper) for me to see several Spanish...
by Patricia Smith | Aug 10, 2023 | Arts & Sciences, Europe, Faculty-Led, Honors College, Summer
Amsterdam and Copenhagen will forever hold a special place in my heart! This trip has been one of the most incredible experiences of my life and I am thankful beyond words. <3 Throughout this trip, I have been answering “questions of the day” for one of...
by Hayley A. | Aug 10, 2023 | Arts & Sciences, Europe, Faculty-Led, Summer
It’s June 18th and I just arrived at the airport to start my 12-hour flight home. Unfortunately flying back home adds more time than when I was flying to London. We left the hotel at 6 am sharp so I had to wake up at 5:20 am because I saved my packing for the...
by Hayley A. | Aug 10, 2023 | Arts & Sciences, Europe, Faculty-Led, Summer
Today is June 14th and on the agenda for today is to go have lunch at clink prison. Here I am going to experience what life inside a prison is like as I will have servers who are inmates, and I will get to ask them questions and get to know them. I have about 4 days...
by Hayley A. | Aug 10, 2023 | Arts & Sciences, Europe, Faculty-Led, Summer, _
Growing up I think I wanted to study abroad before I even decided I wanted to go to school. I’ve loved traveling ever since I went to Europe with my grandparents in 2013. While it was such a fun and relaxing experience it was also very educational, and I was so...
by Ava T. | Aug 10, 2023 | Commerce & Business, Europe, Faculty-Led, Honors College, Summer
5: I saw five plays while in England. A Midsummer’s Night Dream, As You Like It, Romeo and Juliet, The Burnt City, and Six the Musical. Whether just for fun or for class, I had the best time experiencing theater in so many different ways. A Midsummer’s Night Dream was...