Adventures in Ireland

Adventures in Ireland

Upon arrival to Dublin, Ireland, I was underwhelmed. It just seemed like any other city. It wasn’t until I started to explore the city and the landmarks that I realized how unique it truly was. The more places we visited, the more I enjoyed them. Our itinerary...
Adjustment Periods

Adjustment Periods

I expected coming back home to be easier than it was. I was not abroad for a whole semester, only 6 weeks, so it seemed it would be easy. But, getting back into my routine proved difficult. I was exhausted at the end of my trip and really, really looking forward to...
Looking back at abroad

Looking back at abroad

Now that I have left Europe and have been hope for a month, I have been able to look back at my experience and appreciate what has happened this summer. If you have the opportunity to go abroad for an internship or classes… do it. It is such an amazing experience and...
Upon Return

Upon Return

I had mixed feeling about coming back home. I have been home for a little over a month at this point. When I first arrived at the airport, and saw my parents waiting to pick me up, I was so excited to see them. On the other hand, I was sad that my study abroad...
Once Upon a Dream…

Once Upon a Dream…

It’s been officially one month since I returned from participating in the UA in Oxford faculty led study abroad program.  An evening of High Table at Worcester College with some of the most fabulous people. (Funny side note: I don’t like champagne LOL)...
Making friends abroad

Making friends abroad

One of my biggest worries before traveling abroad on my own was making friends. A month is a long time to be without any of your people and I wanted to make sure I would find people that were fun, kind, inclusive, and also willing to meet new people and try new...