by Mildred D | Feb 28, 2023 | Asia, Commerce & Business, Exchange, Honors College, Semester, _
Café Culture The one thing that I truly did not expect of Korea was the cafes. There was a coffee shop on every corner. From Korean chains to locally owned to Starbucks, they truly have it all. Before going to Korea, I did not even like coffee, but now I crave it!...
by Joshua L | Jan 17, 2023 | All Year, Engineering, Europe, Exchange, _
by Joshua L | Sep 25, 2022 | All Year, Engineering, Europe, Exchange, _
by Mildred D | Aug 1, 2022 | Asia, Commerce & Business, Exchange, Semester
I spent the spring of 2022 in Seoul, South Korea. I did not know any Korean nor did I know a lot about Korean culture. I researched as much as I could and learned to read the Korean Alphabet, but that was all. It was extremely nerve-racking and I had no idea what to...
by Mildred D | Jul 26, 2022 | Asia, Commerce & Business, Exchange, Semester
When I first began to consider studying abroad, there were a lot of things happening in my life. It was my very first semester in college and my parents were having to adjust. I was overwhelmed with the sheer number of programs the study abroad program offers. There...
by Samantha H | Apr 26, 2022 | Arts & Sciences, Commerce & Business, Europe, Exchange, Semester
By: Samantha Hiebsch I am currently abroad in Milan, Italy and I am loving it. I cannot believe that I am already over halfway done with my semester abroad. Read on to see what I have experienced so far. First Impressions: My parents made the trip to bring me to Italy...
by Joshua L | Feb 7, 2022 | All Year, Engineering, Europe, Exchange
Nothing Could’ve Prepared me for the First...
by Samantha H | Jan 22, 2022 | Commerce & Business, Europe, Exchange, Semester
Hi, my name is Sammy Hiebsch, and I am a sophomore at Alabama. I am studying abroad in Milan, Italy this semester. I considered many different places when trying to decide where to study abroad but Milan just called to me for some reason. I have been to Europe many...
by Michael R | Nov 14, 2018 | Arts & Sciences, Asia, By College, Duration, Exchange, Program Type, Region, Semester, _
Of all the unread books on my shelf back home, none is more intimidating than Murasaki Shikibu’s The Tale of Genji. The translation I own, the 1926 translation by Arthur Waley, lands at over a 1000 pages. (The Tale of Genji taking up a large amount of space on...
by Mackenzie D | Sep 4, 2017 | All Year, Arts & Sciences, Asia, Exchange
It’s a little difficult to explain what it’s like to leave the country for a year. At first, you can’t be more excited for it, but then the reality starts to sink in. Suddenly, you’re looking at your wallet wondering how you’re going to...
by Emily P | Aug 9, 2017 | Asia, Exchange, Semester
In America, we usually drive around cars to get from place to place. The same is true for Japan for some people. Except, driving in Japan is extremely expensive. Japanese law mandates people to go to driving school first before they receive their license, which ends...
by Keturah N | Jul 26, 2017 | Arts & Sciences, Europe, Faculty-Led, Summer, _
Coming back to the USA from being abroad always requires a period of readjustment, and this journey abroad was no different. My first feeling upon landing in Charlotte was that of being completely overwhelmed. American airports are a sensory overload! Everyone was...
by Lucas P | Feb 16, 2015 | Commerce & Business, Europe, Exchange, Semester
Now before I get to talking about studying abroad, I thought it might be important for you to know about me so that you can see from where I’m coming. My name is Lucas Palonen and I’m a junior at the University of Alabama. I am studying Accounting with a...
by Casey D | Nov 23, 2014 | Commerce & Business, Europe, Exchange, Semester
My journey to Aarhus, the second largest city in Denmark, began back in August and included almost missing my flight, delays, and lost luggage. BUT after being here for two and a half months I am happy to say that my situation is now much more comfortable. Before...
by Apryl J | Sep 2, 2014 | All Year, Asia, Commerce & Business, Exchange
Hello! 안녕하세요! My name is Apryl Jackson and I have chosen to journey off to Seoul (서울), South Korea as an exchange student for a year. I am a junior at the University of Alabama majoring in International Business with a minor in Korean Language. I decided to study...