

When I think about my time in Italy, I think about the warm Mediterranean sun and the sweet friends I shared gelato with. Thinking about it feels like a dream and I almost can’t believe it was me who was there, at that time, in Italy. This study abroad trip was more...
In Transit

In Transit

London, June, 2023 Every weekday morning at 8:30 AM I’d join a couple flat mates on a walk to the tube station. We’d board our train at 8:36 and patiently ride thirty minutes to university. People of all sorts would join us on this commute through London....
See Food

See Food

While some people travel for exciting new cities and stunning views, I always prefer the food. Not to say that the cities I visited weren’t exciting and the views weren’t stunning, but, in my opinion, the food really blew everything else out of the water....
Proud to be an American

Proud to be an American

I have travelled before, but I have never felt the same way about leaving home as I did on my study abroad trip. My study abroad trip was by far the longest I have ever spent away from home. It was about 6 weeks total away from home and I missed the luxuries of...
“Living” Abroad

“Living” Abroad

I’ve been on vacation in foreign countries before, but I have never actually “lived” in a foreign country for an extended period of time. Upon arriving in Porto, Portugal, we headed to our apartment and got checked in. We each had our own room, bathroom, and air...
My Month in Belgium

My Month in Belgium

Before leaving my trip I wasn’t sure what to expect. I was excited of course, but was a bit worried about the packing, travel, culture shock, etc.. It was my first time being across the Atlantic, and I was going to be there for close to a month. A trip like this...