Back Home From Scotland

Back Home From Scotland

I have been home for a little over a week now from my study abroad trip to Edinburgh, Scotland. I have been pretty lazy since returning because I did not spend even one day relaxing in Scotland. I am sad that study abroad is over, but also appreciative that I even had...
Another Adventure

Another Adventure

When I was younger, I used to look at the walls in my families houses, lined with photographs, canvas’, books and memories of the places they had been. The remnants of their memories filled me with wonder and hope that one day I would have my own adventures and see...
France for Real?

France for Real?

The days leading up to my departure honestly haven’t felt real. I go to work, then class, and then I go back home to my dog and repeat the whole process the next day. It really doesn’t seem like on Saturday I’m going to fly out to spend 5 weeks in France. Of course,...
Biking in Italy

Biking in Italy

On my Study Abroad in Italy, I love being a tourist—riding a gondola in Venice, buying pasta-themed socks at the souvenir shop, taking that photo of the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Going into my trip, though, I also had the goal of eventually shedding that tourist label. I...