The Mental Block

The Mental Block

Hello, My name is Madeline Bunch, and I’m currently about to leave for Berlin. I’ve been learning German since 7th grade and am finally putting my knowledge to the test. I’m an upcoming sophomore who is majoring in aerospace engineering and minoring...
Leaving Europe (for now)

Leaving Europe (for now)

As I was preparing to leave to come back to the US, I couldn’t help but feel sad. On one hand I was happy to have home cooked food instead of eating out and to sleep in a room other than a hotel room. Again my packing cubes came in handy again to get all of my clothes...
Paris in a Day

Paris in a Day

A short trip of only 27 days to hit everything in Europe seems nearly impossible, but my group and I fit in as much as possible. We stayed in Berlin and Florence, however, took day trips to Paris, Prague, Dresden, London, Venice, Rome, and Pisa. One of my favorite...

“I live here”

Moving to another country seems like an insurmountable task, and for me, it has not been a walk in the park. Despite the fact that I have spent over half a year preparing, and have had support from my parents, UA study abroad advisor, program chairwoman, and abroad...