by S. Beatty | Jul 30, 2022 | Arts & Sciences, Europe, Faculty-Led, Summer
Studying abroad was an AMAZING experience. I learned so many great things. There are definitely many things I would’ve changed before going abroad. For example, do not pack a lot of clothes. You will find so many amazing boutiques and stores to buy new clothes...
by A. Heeney | Jul 30, 2022 | Engineering, Europe, Faculty-Led, Summer
For the month of July, my classmates and I completed the Chemical Engineering Unit Operations Laboratory, which is a technical writing/ lab requirement for our degree. Needless to say, it was a lot of hard work, but it was a truly amazing experience. We completed six...
by C. Warren | Jul 28, 2022 | Arts & Sciences, Europe, Summer, UA-Affiliate
After being back in the U.S. for a month, looking back on study abroad, it all feels like a dream. Was I ever really there? I haven’t undergone much reverse culture shock other than just missing how walkable Europe was and the freedom I had with my schedule...
by jehartzler | Jul 27, 2022 | Arts & Sciences, Europe, Faculty-Led, Summer
Once I returned from Spain, I swear I slept for three days straight … which means I did it right. Having the opportunity to study abroad not only is a fun way to get course credit, but an even better way to experience and immerse yourself in another culture. Summer...
by S. Holt | Jul 27, 2022 | Comm & Info Sciences, Europe, Summer, UA-Affiliate
It is currently July 19, and I offically leave Paris in less than 2 weeks. I have been here since May with ISA and have had the most incredible experince exploring and the city and learning a new language. I wanted to compile a list of my favorite things/best...
by S. Holt | Jul 27, 2022 | Comm & Info Sciences, Europe, Summer, UA-Affiliate
Hello! My name is Stella and I have been studying abroad in Paris for the last two months. I am so sad to leave and have had the best experience I could have imagined. As I am starting to pack to head home I wanted to do a review of all of the things I packed and make...
by P. Huie | Jul 26, 2022 | Arts & Sciences, Europe, Faculty-Led, Summer
Sitting on the plane on the return flight, looking out the window, I shed a tear. Studying abroad in Spain for a month was the experience of a lifetime. It gave me new friendships, more knowledge, new perspectives, and amazing memories. I have compiled a list of...
by C. Hoppenjans | Jul 25, 2022 | Arts & Sciences, Europe, Faculty-Led, Summer
Hello! My name is Elise, and I am studying abroad in Germany. I’ve been here for about three weeks, and Berlin is such a cool city! Today I’m going to discuss the importance of learning the public transportation systems in your designated country, as well as options...
by C. Hoppenjans | Jul 24, 2022 | Arts & Sciences, Europe, Faculty-Led, Summer
Hello! My name is Elise, and I am studying abroad in Germany. The program I’m in is UA affiliated and called UA German Language and Culture. I chose to study abroad because I want to learn more about different people and cultures. I also am double majoring in nursing...
by M. Bunch | Jul 24, 2022 | Arts & Sciences, Europe, Faculty-Led, Summer
I am Madeline Bunch, and I’m currently minoring in German. I decided to study abroad in Germany to improve my knowledge of the language and culture. After 5 weeks of staying in Germany, I feel like I’ve learned so much not just about the language but the...
by Sarah O. | Jul 20, 2022 | Arts & Sciences, Europe, Faculty-Led, Summer
For my study abroad experience, I chose the UA in Spain program. One of my favorite parts about this program was that we got to explore other locations as well as just Madrid. Our Saturday excursions were some of the most enjoyable adventures of the trip. It was very...
by M. Bunch | Jul 18, 2022 | Arts & Sciences, Europe, Faculty-Led, Summer
My name is Madeline Bunch, and I’m currently studying abroad in Germany. I noticed some differences throughout the 4 weeks I’ve been here. The one that was one of the toughest for me to adjust to was the fact that water and public restrooms are not free...
by N. Bonner | Jul 18, 2022 | Arts & Sciences, Europe, Faculty-Led, Summer
I’m home from France now, and back to work at my summer job. Everyday, I come across something new that I miss about living in France that I hadn’t thought of before. Of course I miss the people I met and the amazing food, but there are a couple aspects of French life...
by Jacob Camden | Jul 17, 2022 | Arts & Sciences, Central America, Summer, UA-Affiliate
Readers, I’m still here. And why wouldn’t I be? My COVID was relatively mild, all things considered. I’m over a week out of isolation and little the worse for it. (I still cough a bit. But that’s more psychosomatic.) Yet: I’m still here....
by Cayla P | Jul 17, 2022 | Arts & Sciences, Europe, Faculty-Led, Summer
Big Al started this Saturday morning with a 45-minute bus ride through the curvy hills of Spain on his way to El Escorial. Accordingly, he has his mask to abide by the mask rule on all public transportation in the country. In El Escorial is the Royal Monastery of San...
by E. Webber | Jul 14, 2022 | Arts & Sciences, Central America, Europe, Faculty-Led, Summer
This summer, I went on two faculty-led study abroad trips: UA in Guatemala: Development and Human Rights and UA in Spain: Language and Culture. Before studying abroad, I had very limited travel experience. I had never traveled abroad before, and I had never flown...
by jehartzler | Jul 14, 2022 | Arts & Sciences, Europe, Faculty-Led, Summer
by Baylee M. | Jul 13, 2022 | Arts & Sciences, Europe, Summer, UA-Affiliate
It has been about a week since I returned from studying abroad and I am already missing Florence so much! I was worried about adjusting back to normal life when I returned home but it hasn’t been bad at all so far. I have been reminiscing on my trip recently as I have...
by Baylee M. | Jul 12, 2022 | Arts & Sciences, Europe, Summer, UA-Affiliate
One thing I love about Italy is how easy it is to travel within the country. You can easily buy tickets for a train and travel wherever you want to go! Figuring out the train system was a little intimidating at first, but after you use it a couple of times it is very...
by Liam Kinnaird | Jul 12, 2022 | Arts & Sciences, Faculty-Led, South America, Summer
There were many fantastic experiences throughout our trip to Colombia. Near the end of the six weeks, we visited the city of Medellin. While there were plenty of fun excursions throughout the study abroad, I’d say Medellin was the most unique city we visited. The UA...