Belize Reflection

Belize Reflection

This trip exceeded my expectations in every way. Before I left I was concerned about group dynamics and making friends, and worried I might get bored of snorkeling. Neither of these concerns were realized as I enjoyed and got along well with our group and snorkeling...
The Art of the Seamless Suit-Up

The Art of the Seamless Suit-Up

One of the most important parts of packing for an overseas outing (especially a lengthy abroad experience like my university-sanctioned foray into Denmark) is hashing out the wardrobe situation. Seasoned travelers advise that one should dress as the locals do—but what...
My Thoughts After France

My Thoughts After France

Hi everyone,   I’m finally back in the U.S.! It was a crazy trip home running through three different airports just to finally get home a full day later. From Paris, I arrived in Toronto and went through customs in Canada before arriving in Chicago, then finally...
Cathedral Wedding in Segovia

Cathedral Wedding in Segovia

This past Saturday, my classmates, professors, and I traveled to Segovia, Spain. There we were able to see the beautiful entrance to the city that was built during the Roman Empire. Fun fact about this wall of arches is that it was made without any cement or any other...
Life Across the Pond

Life Across the Pond

How my abroad experience has been so far: As someone who has traveled a lot, going to a different country is something that though I am familiar with, it’s always a new and fun experience. One thing I always forget about is that there is usually no air...
Making the Most

Making the Most

I have reached the end of my 21 days in London for my Forensic Psychology program, which is incredibly bittersweet. Succinctly put, I have enjoyed every second and learned so much. So, for this post, I want to explain how to truly appreciate and make the most of your...
Travel Tips

Travel Tips

I have been in London for a few weeks now and am enjoying it immensely! I thought I might share some things I wish I knew before coming, namely how to prepare for a long, international trip.  Pre-departure: Firstly, getting all your ducks in a row as early as...